RapidProfixPro Review – [Scam Or Legit Opportunity?]

Welcome To My RapidProfixPro Review!

“Attention, Are You Looking For More Information On RapidProfixPro? You Are In The Right Place!”

There is no doubt that e-learning sites make a lot of money and it’s a billion-dollar market. The question is… Is it possible to create e-learning sites that provide value to their buyers?

RapidProfixPro can build you an e-learning site, offer free content, courses, funnels, etc in just 60 seconds. That’s great, but the real question is on the quality of the content and courses they are going to offer.

I believe you are here because you are looking for additional information about RapidProfixPro and this review will give more information and on RapidProfixPro that will help you in your purchase decision.

RapidProfixPro Review

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RapidProfixPro Review Summary

Product Name: RapidProfixPro

Creators: Jason Fulton and Mosh Bari

Launch Date: 4th October 2019

Product Type: E-Learning Software or Site Builder.

Price: $24 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells

Summary: RapidProfixPro is all about building an e-learning site without creating your own content, courses, videos, etc. They are claiming everything is in-built and done for you.

Rating: 40/100

Is RapidProfixPro Legit Or Scam? Legit

Is RapidProfixPro Recommended? No

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

Below you can find some frequently asked questions for your quick reference…

What Is RapidProfixPro All About?

  • RapidProfixPro is all about building an e-learning site without creating your own content, courses, videos, etc. They are claiming everything is in-built and done for you.

How Much RapidProfixPro Cost?

  • $24 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells

Is There Upsells?

  • Yes, there are 6 upsells

Is RapidProfixPro A Scam?

  • No.

Is It Possible To Make Money Online Using RapidProfixPro?

  • If you have a big email list and if you are an authority on your niche it’s possible.

Is There A Money-Back Guarantee With RapidProfixPro?

  • Yes, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Are You Recommending RapidProfixPro?

  • No.

What’s Your Top Recommendation To Make Money Online?

  • You can read my top recommendation below.

If You Are Tired Of Scams & Products That Under-Delivers. My Free Guide Will Be A Greater Help. I Know This Because The Same Process Helped Me To Become My Own Boss.

One Important Thing I Noticed On Some Review Posts

Doing your research is the best way to find legit and genuine programs and stay away from scams.

I appreciate you for taking the time to do your research on RapidProfixPro and that’s the best way to stay away from scams and products which under-delivers.

Unfortunately, some people always write positive and biased reviews of all the products they promote. Please remember not all the reviews are genuine.

I’d like to inform you I am in no way associated with RapidProfixPro, I am not an affiliate to RapidProfixPro and I am not trying to sell it to you.


RapidProfixPro Sales Page Claims

You can find the claims made on the RapidProfixPro sales video below…

  • Brand new software creates fully automated done for you e-learning sites like Udemy, pre-loaded with courses, funnels, content & everything you need to profit from day 1 (without ever creating a single course or video).
  • Every Affiliate Marketer needs this.
  • No website or hosting needed.
  • 100% Done For You!
  • Using RapidProfixPro Is As Easy As 1-2-3…
  • Now You Can Sell Unlimited Courses To Unlimited Customers & Students, Launch Unlimited Funnels & Get Free Traffic In Just 1-Click…
  • How nice would it be to click one button and have hundreds of people start visiting your website the same day – see it happen in real time.

Let’s see if RapidProfixPro lives up to these claims.

Before we dive into our review I would like to introduce you to my FREE GUIDEA Beginners Guide To Making Money Online – Be Your Own Boss!“. Anyone can build an online business from home by using my FREE make money online Guide, because it shows you how to turn your Passion into Profits.

What Is RapidProfixPro?

Based on the creator’s words…

  • A Fully Done For You Site Builder that Creates UDemy Like E-Learning Sites so you can sell Online Courses & Profit.
  • This is a fully web-based, cloud-hosted software that allows you to create and sell any number of courses to any number of students or customers and keep 100% of the profit from those sales. It comes fully loaded with content, training videos, courses all DONE FOR YOU so you can launch and sell courses in seconds.

To make it simple, RapidProfixPro is all about building an e-learning site without creating your own content, courses, videos, etc. They are claiming everything is in-built and done for you.

About The Creators

Jason Fulton and Mosh Bari are successful internet marketers. They are well-known product creators in the make money online niche launching make money online products at regular intervals.

Other Products Of Jason Fulton And Mosh Bari

To name a few products of Mosh Bari… Refresh-En, Quantum Profits, GiftlY, PiggyBack Cash System, Clone My Commissions, ProfiteE, Instant Commission Profits, Copy Profit Case Study, etc.

To name a few products of Jason Fulton… Traffic-Laze, Loop-It, Fusion, Limitless, 3 Step Profit Machines, Profit Whirlwind, Velocitii, Quick Fire Commissions, Payday Tornado, Commission Ultimatum, Commission Siphon Funnel, Tube Traffic Mantra, etc.

Some Of The Products I Reviewed Of Jason Fulton And Mosh Bari

I do have reviewed some of Jason Fulton and Mosh Bari products. You can read those reviews by clicking on the product name, they are…

A Look Inside RapidProfixPro

Below are the details you will in the member’s area…


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How RapidProfixPro Works? 

On their sales page, they claim all it takes is just the below steps…

  • Step 1 – PICK YOUR NAME – Pick your site name and press ONE button to create it.
  • Step 2 – SELECT MULTIPLE COURSES – Select among multiple courses that come built-in to our system, pick the one that you want to use.
  • Step 3 – LAUNCH THE COURSE – BOOM – Launch the course and funnel in one click, all the pages, and course material is DONE for you and loaded into your site.
  • Step 4 – Launch the Free Traffic module to get automated traffic from the viral traffic module to send to your funnels and e-learning sites & start making sales.

But this not going to be the reality. If you are going to trust the above things and their claims, it might disappoint you.


Front End Product – RapidProfixPro – $24

  • Upsell 1 – RapidProfixPro – DFY Money Courses – $197.00
    • Downsell 1 – RapidProfixPro – DFY Money Courses DS – $97.00
  • Upsell 2 – RapidProfixPro – 100x Conversion Booster – $77.00
    • Downsell 2 – RapidProfixPro – 100x Conversion Booster Ds – $47.00
  • Upsell 3 – RapidProfixPro – Super Traffic Machine – $97.00
    • Downsell 3 – RapidProfixPro – Super Traffic Machine DS – $77.00
  • Upsell 4 – RapidProfixPro – Automated Passive Income System – $97.00
    • Downsell 4 – RapidProfixPro – Automated Passive Income DS – $57.00
  • Upsell 5 – RapidProfixPro – Auto Chat Profit – $97.00
    • Downsell 5 – RapidProfixPro – Auto Chat Profit DS – $67.00
  • Upsell 6 – RapidProfixPro – License Rights – $197.00
    • Downsell 6 – RapidProfixPro – License Rights DS – $147.00

Pro’s and Con’s

The Good:

→ 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

→ Real Owner

The Bad:

→ No originality

→ Too Many Upsells

→ No Control Over Your Business

→ Too Much Hype And Unrealistic Claims

→ You Will Learn Nothing (No Skills)

→ Free Social Media Traffic Conversion Is Low

Is RapidProfixPro A Scam?

No RapidProfixPro is not a scam. They provide you with the promised features and you also have a 30-day money-back guarantee.

However, I don’t recommend RapidProfixPro for the below reasons…

Reason 1 – No Originality

Using pre-loaded content, courses, etc. Will not build your brand since others will be using the same content and courses.

We are not sure whether those courses and content are PLR’S (private label rights). Also, the quality of the course and content plays a vital role in any e-learning site’s success. I am afraid whether these courses and content can add more value to the buyers.

Reason 2 – E-learning Sites Without Learning?

Newbies Friendly? May I ask on what basis a newbie is going to create these e-learning sites.

Is that based on their success journey or based on the experience or based on their learning? On what basis?

Without learning, without experience, without knowledge, and without achieving anything if I ask others to join on my e-learning site, will it make sense?

Based on my experience, In order to succeed in an e-learning site (as an individual), you need to have knowledge and experience.

If you are already a success, you can teach others how you achieved it. Without knowledge, experience, and success by just using other’s content, you can’t be successful.

Reason 3 – Upsells

Oops, too many upsells!

I personally believe when there are too many upsells the front-end product is not a complete one and in order to get the full value you need to buy their upsells.

Total Upsells Value – $762

Total Downsells Value – $492

On top of this, you need some other tools, for example, an autoresponder. Therefore, the total cost is going to be very expensive.

Reason 4 – Traffic

You can build an e-learning site within 60 seconds, you can build an e-learning site without building your own courses and content, you can build your e-learning site without creating videos, etc.

But you need traffic and that’s the lifeblood for any business.

They provide you with some options to share your course and content with your social media accounts.

The problem is that the conversion rate of free traffic from social media platforms is very low. You need to chase people and I don’t chase people.

People come to my site as you came to my site. The best thing is the traffic I receive is the potential traffic. You can learn more about it on my free guide.

Reason 5 – No Website No Hosting

Without your own website, you are not in control of your business. It is always advisable to have your own website. If you are using their website and hosting, and if anything goes wrong, all your efforts go in vain.

Also, what do you think when you receive a $750 worth bonus for a product that costs $24?

What do you think of the claims made by RapidProfixPro? I find it hard to digest. I always prefer to stay away from products that claim quick, fast and easy results with less or no work???

Thanks for reading my review post!

If you are interested to learn about making money online from scratch, I can help you.

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My Earnings

Often people ask me is it really possible to earn $100+ in a single day. The answer is YES! My Highest Per Day Earning is $175 In Affiliate Marketing. See the proofs below.

My Highest Per Day Earning $175 In Affiliate Marketing

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Success Is A Learnable Skill. You Can Learn To Succeed At Anything.” — T. Harv Eker

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$24 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells




  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Real Owner


  • No Originality
  • Too Many Upsells
  • No Control Over Your Business

8 thoughts on “RapidProfixPro Review – [Scam Or Legit Opportunity?]”

  1. Thank you so much for your honesty. It sounded too good to be true from the very beginning and in I was like, how the hell do you give people lessons and strategies if you havent used them yourself. Most marketers do that these days and it’s hard to find someone who will give the bitter truth. Nothing that makes you money is as easy as 123 you have to sweat for it some point.

    • Totally agreed. Making money online is not an easy task. It takes time, work, patience, effort, and continuous learning.

  2. Great content as I am always looking on the web for reviews like this. I have bookmarked this page because I am interested in your free guide and I am sure to return. I am sure you will hear from me soon and thank you for providing such information that is clear and concise. I would like to soon write reviews like this as well so I think your site provides a good outline. 🙂

  3. Thank you for your post. It is a useful article for me. I started online business for a while now and am actively looking for money-make business.

    Rapid ProFixPro sounds a good idea and provides some nice opportunity. I like your Pros and Cons analyses, which give honest analyses. 

    I don’t like products with a lot of upsells, which are indicates of scam in my experience. I purchased some program. The program with upsells are always trouble for me. They started with low price to lure you joining the program. After joining, you need to pay more and more in order to make the system work. 

    I agree with you that such program is not recommendable.

  4. Hi Paul, perfect timing that I came across this article, because a marketing email from RapidProfixPro landed in my inbox yesterday and I’d had a very brief look at and thought “Hmm, $24 seems pretty reasonable, maybe I should look into this…” Really grateful therefore for the research you’ve carried out in putting this article together. I too find a lot of upsells really off-putting, and I hadn’t realized that it wasn’t offering a website (okay, a few seconds’ thought should have made it obvious to me, but I hadn’t got that far). You’re right, there are much better ways of being your own boss. Thanks very much for the information, Lisa.


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