Is BTCClicks A Scam? – (Earn Free Bitcoins?)

Welcome, To My Review! Is BTCClicks A Scam?

“Attention, Are You Looking For More Information On BTCClicks? You Are In The Right Place!”

You might have come across ads on Bitcoin almost everywhere online. I do have followed the growth of Bitcoin for the past 4+ years and it’s mind-blowing. I did some studies to know more about Bitcoin and I am amazed.

Although many countries banned cryptocurrencies in the past, now many of them are accepting it. However, a certain percentage of people are well aware of its potential. There are advantages and disadvantages with bitcoin as well.

So a lot of people are making a lot of money using bitcoin investment/trading and a lot of people losing money on the other hand.

For sure the interest in buying and holding bitcoin has grown among a vast number of people. Instead of looking at it as a digital currency a lot of people are looking at it as an asset because of its volatile nature (price keep increasing).

Taking advantage of these interests a lot of programs and products are launched where you can earn free bitcoins (satoshi), double or triple your bitcoin, you get daily interest, etc.

Here comes BTCClicks that promises we can earn free mBTC (miliBitcoins) for surfing ads. In this review post, I am going to provide you with my detailed analysis on BTCClicks that covers…

What is BTCClicks, how it works, is it a scam, is it possible to earn free mBTC with BTCClicks, pros, and cons, etc.

When you finish reading this review you will have a clear idea of whether to join BTCClicks or not.

Is BTCClicks A Scam? - Logo

If You Don’t Want To Waste Your Time On Scams And Products That Under-Delivers With Low-Quality, See My #1 Recommended Way Of Making Money Online

BTCClicks Review Summary

Product Name: BTCClicks

Creators: Unknown

Website: BTCClicks (This is not my affiliate link)

Launch Date: 5th Of April 2013

Product Type: Paid To Click Site

Price: Free To Join And There Is A Premium Membership

Summary: BTCClicks is a paid-to-click site that pays you miliBitcoins for viewing ads.

Rating: 30/100

Are There Better Options Compared To BTCClicks? Yes

Are You Serious About Making Money Online?

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

Below you can find some frequently asked questions for your quick reference…

What Is BTCClicks All About?

  • BTCClicks is a paid-to-click site that pays you miliBitcoins for viewing ads.

How Much BTCClicks Cost?

  • Free To Join And There Is A Premium Membership

Is It Possible To Make mBTC Using BTCClicks?

  • Yes.

What Is The Minimum Payout With BTCClicks?

  • The minimum withdrawal is 0.10000 mBTC.

Are There Better Options Available Compared To BTCClicks?

  • Yes

What’s Your Top Recommendation To Make Money Online?

  • You can read my top recommendation below.

If You Are Tired Of Scams & Products That Under-Delivers. My Free Guide Will Be A Greater Help. I Know This Because The Same Process Helped Me To Become My Own Boss.

One Important Thing I Noticed On Some Review Posts

Doing your research is the best way to find legit and genuine programs and stay away from scams.

Before buying a product or service and joining a make money online program doing your research online is a great thing. However, you need to be aware that there are biased and unbiased reviews online. Not all the reviews are genuine and at the same time, not all reviews are biased.

I’d like to inform you that I am not trying to sell or promote BTCClicks.


BTCClicks Sales Page Claims

You can find the claims made on the BTCClicks website below…

  • Earn up to 0.00003 mBTC per click
  • Earn up to 0.00003 mBTC per affiliate/referral click
  • Affiliate/referral program with a 40% to 80% commission!

Let’s see if BTCClicks lives up to these claims.

What Is BTCClicks?

BTCClicks is a paid-to-click (PTC) site that offers milliBTC for viewing ads. site was launched on the 5th of April 2013. Yes, 8+ years and they are into the 9th year.

They are based in Panama. BTCClicks will pay you in mBTC instead of money. With BTCClicks you have two options… You can be an advertiser or you can be an earner. In this review, my focus is on the latter one.

Below you can find a review video on BTCClicks.

Before we dive into our review I would like to introduce you to my FREE GUIDEA Beginners Guide To Making Money Online – Be Your Own Boss!“. Anyone can build an online business from home by using my FREE make money online Guide, because it shows you how to turn your Passion into Profits.

About The Creators

There is no information about the founders or the people behind BTCClicks. The owners are hiding their identity and this is not good news.

How Much It Will Cost To Join BTCClicks?

Free to join. However, you might have heard the famous quote “Time Is Money”. Although it seems there is no investment to join BTCClicks you need to invest your time. But there is a premium membership and more details on it below.


There is a Premium membership with BTCClicks.

BTCClicks is claiming that by purchasing the premium membership you will DOUBLE both your ad click rewards and your referral click rewards. The cost of Premium membership is…

  • 90 days membership – 0.27 mBTC
  • 180 days membership – 0.54 mBTC
  • 360 days membership – 0.864 mBTC

How To Register With BTCClicks? 

The registration process is simple and easy. All you need to enter is the below details…

  • Email
  • Confirm Email
  • Password
  • Confirm Password
  • Captcha (Check the I am not robot box)

Once you submitted your sign-up form you will receive a confirmation email to the provided address and you need to confirm or verify it. Then you are set to go and start earning mBTC by viewing ads.

Special Features With BTCClicks

Below you can find the special features…

  • You can earn upto 0.00003 mBTC per click
  • You can earn up to 0.00003 mBTC per affiliate or per referral click
  • The minimum payout is 0.10000 mBTC
  • Affiliate/referral program with a 40% to 80% commission!
  • Premium membership costs 0.21600 mBTC/3 months and earn x2 your earnings

Is BTCClicks A Scam? - BTCClicks Special Features

A Look Inside BTCClicks

Below you can find the details on what you will have in the BTCClicks Dashboard…




  • Rent Referrals
  • Rented Referrals
  • Direct Referrals

Premium Membership


  • Deposits
  • Withdrawals
  • Purchases

Referral/Affiliate Tools
Account Details

How BTCClicks Works? 

Advertisers provide their ads to paid-to-click sites and to display the ads PTC sites will charge the advertisers. From that amount that they charge the advertisers, PTC sites will give its members who watch the ads a small percentage of share/money/cryptocurrency.

To make it simple, when you view ads you get a small amount. In this case with BTCCLicks, it’s mBTC.

The advertiser calculation is…

If 100 people watch their ads at least a few will take action (buying it, joining the program, or providing the details, etc).

Let us assume 1000+ people watch their ads and for sure there is a huge chance many might take action. Although many will just watch the ads just to earn money and they will stay on the page only for the specified time but some might take action.

This is how it works and the concept behind paid-to-click sites.

You need to wait on the same page until the timer is done then only you will be credited. If you close before the timer runs down you won’t be paid and you need to view that ad once again.

“And because we have no idea what to do, we just stick with whatever is chosen for us,” says Ariely.

How Many Ads You Will Receive With BTCClicks Per Day? 

On the first day I got 7 ads and the next day I got 6. The number of ads you receive will increase and decrease. Many are saying the average number of ads they receive is between 10-15 per day.

Ads Duration

  • 160 seconds → 0.00001 mBTC
  • 100 seconds → 0.00001 mBTC
  • 130 seconds → 0.00001 mBTC

Is BTCClicks A Scam? - BTCClicks Ads Duration

What Are Rented Referrals With BTCClicks? 

Apart from your direct referrals, you can also rent referrals from BTCClicks itself. It’s buying referrals from BTCClicks and with other PTC sites, I do have rented members. While making the calculation often it’s not giving the ROI and the people who are active (view or click ads daily) within a few days become inactive.

Rental Period

  • 7 Days
  • 15 Days
  • 30 Days

Referral Amount

You can rent 1, 3, 5, and, 10 referrals.

Rental Price

Instead of providing all the details, I will just provide the cost for one referral and 10 referrals. I hope it will give you an idea.

For one referral

  • 7 days – 0.00105 mBTC
  • 15 Days – 0.00225 mBTC
  • 30 Days – 0.00450 mBTC

For 10 Referrals

  • 7 days – 0.01050 mBTC
  • 15 Days – 0.02250 mBTC
  • 30 Days – 0.04500 mBTC

Below is the statement from BTCClicks for rented referrals…

  • All rented referrals will have clicked at least 25 ads in the last 5 days, but we cannot guarantee that they will click in the future. Please note there is no referral recycle feature.

What Are The Payment Methods Available With


You can withdraw your mBTC via your bitcoin address to your wallet.

What Is The Minimum Payment With BTCClicks? 

The minimum withdrawal is 0.10000 mBTC. For your information…

  • 1 Bitcoin = 1000 mBTC
  • 1 mBTC = 0.00100000 BTC

Who Is BTCClicks For? 

For those who have plenty of time and not worried to spend a lot of time earning pennies.

Pro’s and Con’s

The Good:

→ 8+ Year Online

→ Free To Join

The Bad:

→ Low Earnings

→ No Skills Developed – You Learn Nothing

→ No Information On The Owners

→ A Lot Of Negative Reviews

→ Only One Way To Earn mBTC – Viewing Ads

Is BTCClicks A Scam?

Based on my research I don’t think BTCClicks is a scam.

Some Of The Things I Like About BTCClicks

Below you can find the things I like about BTCClicks.

8+ Years Online

There are many websites that promise to help you earn free bitcoins for very little work but often these sites won’t last long. They vanish within a few months.

BTCClicks was launched on the 5th of April 2013 and they are in the market (online) for more than 8+ years and it’s good news.

Is BTCClicks A Scam? - BTCClicks Launch Date

Free To Join

As I mentioned before, you can join BTCClicks without paying a single dime and start earning mBTC. Although there is a premium membership it’s not a compulsion that you need to join their premium membership and without being a premium member you can earn mBTC.

Some Of The Things I Don’t Like About BTCClicks

Below you can find the things I don’t like about SAS Affiliate.

Low Income

Whether you believe it or not, I have worked with 20+ PTC sites in the past and you can find many PTC site reviews on my website.

Some of the PTC sites I have reviewed…

Not only with BTCClicks with most of the PTC sites your earnings will be very less. Based on my experience if you work for 8+ hours a day on the PTC sites still it’s very hard to earn 1-2 dollars. So my advice is to focus on building an online business instead of spending your valuable time on PTC sites to earn pennies.

Let’s Do The Math

With BTCClicks my first earnings are 0.00001 mBTC for viewing an ad with a time duration of 100 seconds. Check the mBTC BTCClicks paid me below…

Is BTCClicks A Scam? - My First BTCClicks Ad Payment

Here is my balance after clicking the first ad with BTCClicks.

Is BTCClicks A Scam? - My BTCClicks Balance After Watching My First Ad

Although many are saying the duration of the ads is 10-30 seconds I can see the duration of the ads ranging from 100-160 seconds and the earning is 0.00001 mBTC. The increase in the duration of the ads might be because of the bitcoin price increase.

0.00001 mBTC is equal to 0.00000001 BTC which is 0.00055 USD.  0.00055 USD for 100 seconds.

The minimum payout with BTCClicks is 0.1 mBTC. To achieve the 0.1 mBTC you need to view 10000 ads (assuming you are paid 0.00001 mBTC per ad).

Although the ad duration varies from 100-160 I will take 100 seconds for the calculation. I will go with the minimum ad duration.

10000 (ads) * 100 (seconds) =  10,00,000 seconds

Converting 10,00,000 seconds into minutes. 10,00,000 seconds/60 =  16,667 minutes

Converting 16,667 minutes into hour. 16,667 minutes/60 = 278 hours

So how much is 0.1 mBTC?

It’s 0.00010000 BTC.

How much is 0.00010000 BTC?

While writing this review post it’s $5.48 USD.

Oops! To earn $5.48 it will take 278 hours. It’s $0.019 USD per hour.

That’s the reason I said it’s not worth your time.

No Information On The Owners

As I mentioned before there is no information about the owners of BTCClicks and they are hiding their identities which is not a good sign.

Only One Way To Earn mBTC – Viewing Ads

Normally with other PTC sites, there will be many ways to earn money.

For example, you can earn money by viewing ads, watching videos, taking surveys, playing games, completing small tasks, etc. But with BTCClicks you have the surf ads option only.

In Order To Earn More, You Need To Refer More

As we discussed above you have just one way to earn mBTC with BTCClicks and the next option or way to increase your earning is by referring more people to BTCClicks using your referral link.

To make it simple, the earnings are very low and it takes a lot of time. So don’t spoil your reputation by referring your friends and family to these types of programs and waste their time.

A Lot Of Negative Reviews

Both positive and negative reviews are available online about BTCClicks. But the negative reviews are more in numbers. The general complaints are…

  • Accounts Suspended
  • No Payment Received

See the complaints below…

Is BTCClicks A Scam? - Complaints On Account Suspension

Another one…

Is BTCClicks A Scam? - Most Horrifying Experience

For more information or reviews click here.

The overall rating for BTCClicks on TrustPilot is POOR. See the BTCClicks rating below…

Is BTCClicks A Scam? - BTCClicks Rating

No Skills Developed – You Learn Nothing

Your skill can be either an asset or a liability. ― Justin Ho

Schooling doesn’t assure employment but skill does. ― Amit Kalantri

With BTCClicks you learn nothing and you don’t develop any skills. The above quotes would have made it clear to you about the importance of skill. All you are going to do with BTCClicks is just click and watch the ads, that’s it.

My top recommended program will teach you the skills that will help you to build your online business. You can find more information on my top recommended program below.

Thanks for reading my review.

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My Earnings

Often people ask me is it really possible to earn $100+ in a single day. The answer is YES! My Highest Per Day Earning is $175 In Affiliate Marketing. See the proofs below.

My Highest Per Day Earning $175 In Affiliate Marketing

Looking for the latest one?

My Latest $170+ Per day Affiliate Income

Back To Back Earnings Within A Few Hours…

Back To Back Earnings

Within a few hours another payout…

What about recurring income every month?

Recurring Income

How I Make Money Online?

Success Is A Learnable Skill. You Can Learn To Succeed At Anything.” — T. Harv Eker

“Affiliate Marketing Has Made Businesses Millions & Ordinary People Millionaires.” – Bo Bennett

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Free To Join And There Is A Premium Membership




  • 8+ Year Online
  • Free To Join


  • Low Earnings
  • No Skills Developed - You Learn Nothing
  • No Information On The Owners
  • A Lot Of Negative Reviews
  • Only One Way To Earn mBTC - Viewing Ads

2 thoughts on “Is BTCClicks A Scam? – (Earn Free Bitcoins?)”

  1. I haven’t heard of BTCClicks before, thanks for sharing your view to the world. It makes decision-making a much easier process and stress-free.

    The thing that sticks out mainly is the free cost which I find is at a decent level. I also like that you can earn by simply clicking ads. The time range since it first launched gives the feeling that it must be good for hanging on that long.

    • Thanks a lot for your time. Because of the Bitcoin popularity, many are interested in earning Bitcoin. Indeed, BTCClicks is online for a while 8+ years but as I mentioned the earnings are going to be very low. In my opinion, it’s not worth investing your time. So you can invest your time in building your online business.


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