Keyword Search Strategy – The Basics For Newbies

Dear Friend,

In my previous posts, I was discussing the Importance of keyword and free keyword tool, also I have given my review on the free keyword tool JAAXY. In this post, I am going to discuss the very basics of keyword search strategy…

You can read my JAAXY REVIEW HERE

We have learned the importance of the keyword and the free tool and how to use the tool and a few techniques in my JAAXY Review. In this post, we are going to focus on the Low hanging fruits keywords and Long tail keywords.

What Is Low Hanging Fruits Keywords?

 Low Hanging Fruits Keywords

Low hanging fruits keywords are the keywords with low competition.

Normally what people do is they focus on the high traffic keywords (This is a big mistake most of the people make in their initial stage) say for an example, a keyword with a traffic of 1000’s of visitors that is which is getting 1000’s of Monthly clicks, obviously we will be interested in those keywords right? But the main thing is the competition what we need to look at.

Due to more traffic, all the big guns are focusing on those keywords, and being a newbie that’s not our target at the beginning stage. We are going to go their gradually…..

What Do You Prefer?

Scenario 1High Traffic Keywords – If you are targeting and writing your content with the keyword with thousands of Monthly clicks and you rank in the tenth page of the search engine where you don’t get any visitors… Is that worth to focus on that keyword???? and what is the use of writing a post and spending our time on those keywords????

What Do You Prefer?

Scenario 2Low Hanging Fruits Keywords – In this case you are writing your content on the keyword with less competition. Say, for example, only 50 monthly searches on that particular keyword and the competition are less but you can rank on the first or on the second page of the search engine in which you get at least 20 to 30 visitors Monthly…

Which one do you prefer???? Obviously the low hanging fruits…That’s why it’s my recommendation.

Focus On Long Tail Keywords

As the name itself tells you the story… Long-tail keywords are more generic and more specific. I have discussed the long-tail keywords in my previous post also don’t forget to use the Alphabetic soup technique which I recommended in the same post (I have provided in-depth detail in my JAAXY REVIEW ).

You can see the above comparison, compared to short-tail keywords, long-tail keywords give you a lot of conversion and long-tail keywords having a lot of advantages when compared to short-tail keywords.

Traffic & Competition of Keyword

How To Determine The Competition And Traffic – Which One To Choose?

Traffic – Any number of traffic is good I would suggest in the initial stage, keywords with a Monthly search of 20 visitors also we can consider it as good traffic.

Competition – Less than 100 QSR (Quoted Search Results) you can try it in the initial stage as a newbie.

When your sites grow gradually you can also focus on high traffic keywords.

So I just provided with the basic keyword search strategy about low hanging fruits keywords and long-tail keywords and its importance hope this helps.

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6 thoughts on “Keyword Search Strategy – The Basics For Newbies”

  1. Hi Paul, having gone through the courses at Wealthy Affiliate, I’ve learned about low hanging fruit keywords and not so much on high competition keywords. After reading your article here, I now have a much better and clearer understanding about this and will be making much better choices in the future.

    All the best,

  2. Hey Paul,

    Thanks for doing such a wonderful job clarifying the differences between the High Traffic & “Low Hanging” approach.
    Folks get hung up on the big numbers when they need to be looking at the “Smart” numbers.
    I exploit the heck out of Jaaxy’s competition feature with everything I write and it almost always pays off.
    Thanks again for this great info for the Newbies & more experienced alike.


    • Dear Gary,

      I am glad you found my post helpful. You said it well “Folks get hung up on the big numbers when they need to be looking at the “Smart” numbers.” Yes, Jaaxy is awesome.


  3. Hey paul,
    more than 90% of bloggers will tell to compete for keywords with high search volume. So far, I have done the same with little or no progress in rankings.
    After reading this post, I am convinced to give a try to keywords with lesser search volumes. I will update this review after some time if and when I get some positive results.
    keep up the good work.

    • Dear Dhruv Mangukia,

      I agree with you dear friend as you rightly said, most of them focus on the high competition keywords and finding no progress or positive results and that’s why I came up with this post and providing some insights on the low hanging fruits that is lesser competition keywords and long tail keywords.

      As I mentioned in my post with high competition keywords if we are going to rank in the 10+ page there is no use and obviously we are not going to get visitors instead focusing on the low competition keywords and ranking in the first 3 pages will give better result than the previous…. So give it a try not just one post write few post and check the results….

      By GODS grace you will get traffic and if its possible do share your valuable feedback.



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