5iphon Reloaded Review – [Scam Or legit Opportunity?]

Welcome To My 5iphon Reloaded Review!

“Attention, Are You Looking For More Information On 5iphon Reloaded? You Are In The Right Place!”

Is It Possible To Earn $11,244,42 In Under 30 Days?

Is It Possible To Get 500+ Subscribers Per Day?

You are here to find out more information on 5iphon Reloaded and want to know whether 5iphon Reloaded is a scam or legit. Am I correct?

Not to worry I am here to help you!

This review post will provide you with helpful insights on 5iphon Reloaded and will help you in your purchase decision.

5iphon Reloaded Review

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5iphon Reloaded Review Summary

Product Name: 5iphon Reloaded

Creators: Bryan Winters and Tom E Mcting

Launch Date: 7th of August 2019

Price: $18.97 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells

Summary: 5iphon Reloaded is a funnel-based, self-perpetuating (viral) online income system.

Rating: 35/100

Is 5iphon Reloaded Legit Or Scam? Legit

Is 5iphon Reloaded Recommended? No

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

Below you can find some frequently asked questions for your quick reference…

What Is 5iphon Reloaded All About?

  • 5iphon Reloaded is a funnel-based, self-perpetuating (viral) online income system.

How Much 5iphon Reloaded Cost?

  • $18.97 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells

Is There Upsells?

  • Yes, there are 4 upsells.

Is 5iphon Reloaded A Scam?

  • No

Is It Possible To Make Money Online Using 5iphon Reloaded?

  • Yes

Is There A Money-Back Guarantee With 5iphon Reloaded?

  • Yes, there is a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Are There better Options Available Compared To 5iphon Reloaded?

  • Yes

What’s Your Top Recommendation To Make Money Online?

  • You can read my top recommendation below.

If You Are Tired Of Scams & Products That Under-Delivers. My Free Guide Will Be A Greater Help. I Know This Because The Same Process Helped Me To Become My Own Boss.

One Important Thing I Noticed On Some Review Posts

Doing your research is the best way to find legit and genuine programs and stay away from scams.

Reading review posts, knowing additional information about the product and learning from other’s experiences is a wise thing to do before making your purchase decision.

I do appreciate you for doing your research on 5iphon Reloaded.

However, some people write positive and biased reviews of all the products and programs they promote so you need to be careful about that, not all the review posts are genuine.

I am in no form associated with 5iphon Reloaded, and I am not trying to sell 5iphon Reloaded to you.


5iphon Reloaded Sales Page Claims

Below are the claims made on the sales page of 5iphon Reloaded…

  • I knew I had something almost “magical” on my hands with 5iphon, when my email list suddenly started growing by 500+ subscribers per day…
  • It’s guaranteed to suck in unlimited fresh leads and $10-$300+ per sale in 3 super easy steps…
  • … Steps that will have them sending YOU subscribers and unlimited potential commissions of anywhere from $10-$300+ a pop – on complete cruise control.
  • This is THE income system you’ve been waiting for.
  • Runs On 99% Autopilot.
  • Same Day Income Potential.
  • Buyers receive a special DFY viral funnel (hosting included) featuring PROVEN viral technology that “forwards” unlimited leads – and commissions of up to $11,000+ per month – to its users on AUTOPILOT.

Let’s see if 5iphon Reloaded lives up to these claims.

Before we dive into our review I would like to introduce you to my FREE GUIDEA Beginners Guide To Making Money Online – Be Your Own Boss!“. Anyone can build an online business from home by using my FREE make money online Guide, because it shows you how to turn your Passion into Profits.

What Is 5iphon Reloaded? 

On their sales page and JV page…

  • 5iphon Reloaded PRO is a powerful online income system featuring a unique, built-in viral funnel that “forwards” unlimited subscribers and affiliate commissions to its users on autopilot…
  • 5iphon Reloaded is a funnel-based, self-perpetuating (viral) online income system.
  • Buyers receive a special DFY viral funnel (hosting included) featuring PROVEN viral technology that “forwards” unlimited leads – and commissions of up to $11,000+ per month – to its users on AUTOPILOT.

To make it simple…

With the help of their software, you gonna give away your 5iphon Reloaded Funnel Link which will give access to a free page where people enter their details.

You can collect their email address and when your referral gives this away the first five members will be added to your list, not theirs and then 10% of all of the leads they generate go to you.

This is how you build your email list using their funnel link. Below you can find the 5iphon Reloaded Funnel Link page.

5iphon Reloaded Funnel Link page

About The Creators

Tom E and Bryan Winters are Internet marketers and product creators.

Mr. Tom E is a successful internet marketer and he is a Norwegian. Tom does reviews on different money making products on Youtube and a product creator in the online money-making niche.

ShopMonopoly and IG Money Tree VIP Membership are some of the other products of Bryan Winters.

Some Of The Products I Reviewed of Tom E Mcting

Some Tom E Mcting products I reviewed, Arbitrage Alchemist, The Bevis Producer, Make 4.97 Over And Over And OverPiggyback Payday, 0 to 100 In 24 Hours Review, Is Boomerang Buddy A Scam? and Arbitrage High Roller.

A Look Inside 5iphon Reloaded

Below is a look around on the member’s area of 5iphon Reloaded. I believe this will give you an idea of what you are going to get with 5iphon Reloaded.

Introduction Video

Your 5iphon Reloaded Funnel Link

Connect To An Autoresponder (Optional)

  • Aweber
  • GetResponse
  • GoGVO
  • Mail Chimp
  • SendLane
  • TrafficWave

Free ‘ad swaps’

Email Solo Ads

Email Ad Swaps

Other Ad Swaps

Additional Traffic Methods

  • CashBlurbs.com – A classified ad site.
  • MyTrafficCoop.com – Buy shares, get Autopilot traffic!
  • WarriorForum.com – Run Easy forum ads to a targeted audience.

How 5iphon Reloaded Works? 

All you need to do is just 3 steps…

  • Step 1 – Enter your “money link” link and all systems are GO.
  • Step 2 – Jumpstart 5iphonR’s built-in Free viral traffic engine by initially sharing your website link with others – zero selling involved.
  • Step 3 – Sit back as 5iphonR takes over on autopilot – sending you unlimited leads and up to $300+ per day.

Sounds simple and great right?

Getting 5 sign-ups and asking others to do the same and receiving 10% of all of the leads they generate.

Once the people enter their details they will be redirected to a sales page if they buy the product you will get your commission.

I believe I failed many times because in order for me to succeed others need to work (Business based on MLM’s, Referral systems, etc.). And I am not comfortable in chasing people. 

The challenging part is on getting traffic. I am not happy about the traffic methods they teach you (more on this later).


Front-End Product – 5iphon Reloaded PRO – $18.97 (At the time of writing this review)

  • Upsell 1 – 5iphon OVERDRIVE – $97.00 – Enables you to 10X the income power of your 5iphon Funnels by awarding you commissions DEEP into your referral base.
    • Downsell 1 – 5iphon OVERDRIVE – With Special Discount – $47.00
  • Upsell 2 – 5iphon 10X – $47.00 – You will receive a package of TEN additional 5iphon Reloaded websites.
    • Downsell 2 – 5iphon 10X – With Special Discount – $27.00
  • Upsell 3 – 5iphon 10K CLUB – $197.00 – You can unlock the ability to add an INSTANT high ticket backend, in the form of auto-webinars paying $500+ a pop in commissions.
    • Downsell 3 – 5iphon 10K CLUB – With Special Discount – $97.00
  • Upsell 4 – 5iphon TRAFFIC CO-OP – $197.00 – With this OTO you do nothing but buy, and you’re automatically added into their traffic rotation. This means hands-free traffic for the life of 5iphon RELOADED!
    • Downsell 4 – 5iphon TRAFFIC CO-OP – With Special Discount – $97.00

Pro’s and Con’s

The Good:

→ 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

→ Email Marketing Works

The Bad:

→ Upsells

→ Too Much Hype & Unrealistic Claims

→ Paid Traffic – Solo Ads

→ Website + Hosting Included

→ Runs On 99% Autopilot

Is 5iphon Reloaded A Scam?

No, 5iphon Reloaded is not a scam. As promised you do get your funnel link and you have a 30-day money-back guarantee.

However, I don’t recommend 5iphon Reloaded for the below reasons…

Reason 1 – Upsells

When there are too many upsells I believe the front-end product is not complete. Obviously, the creator is going to push or insist you buy their upsells for better results.

If we calculate the total cost of the upsells its $500+ and if we go for downsells still it will cost you $250+.

Reason 2 – Paid Traffic

If you are a beginner it is not advisable to try paid traffic because you might lose money. Once you earned some money via free traffic and gained some experience if you wish you can give paid traffic a try.

Also, the paid traffic method they are advising which is solo ads are risky. Nowadays even some experts are not able to make good profits using solo ads and many experts are not recommending it.

They are telling the quality of solo ads is not like before and nowadays it’s very poor.

On top of the upsells you need to spend on paid traffic. So this is going to cost you a lot of money.

Reason 3 – Other Traffic Methods

I believe the other traffic methods they teach you are not going to produce great results.

You need to chase people. Traffic is very important but I don’t chase people, people come to my site (as you came to my site) all I do is I write quality and helpful posts. You can learn more about this method on my FREE GUIDE.

Reason 4 – Very Basic Training

When I looked at the member’s area I am disappointed with the training. It’s very basic and it just gives you an overview of some of the traffic methods.

Reason 5 – Autoresponder

If you are using any other autoresponder which is not on the list I shared on the “A Look Inside 5iphon Reloaded” it’s going to be a struggle to integrate this system with your autoresponder.

Reason 6 – You Are Not In Control Of Your Business

Since they are providing you the website (Capture page or squeeze page) and providing the hosting you are not in control of your business.

Having your website is the best way to make money online and build a long-lasting online business.

I hope this review gave you some helpful insights into 5iphon Reloaded. Thanks for reading my review post!

If you are interested to learn about making money online from scratch I can help you.

“The Great End Of Life Is Not Knowledge But Action” – Thomas Henry Huxley

Action is what unites every great success and action is what produces results. Take Action!

My Earnings

Often people ask me is it really possible to earn $100+ in a single day. The answer is YES! My Highest Per Day Earning is $175 In Affiliate Marketing. See the proofs below.

My Highest Per Day Earning $175 In Affiliate Marketing

Looking for the latest one?

My Latest $170+ Per day Affiliate Income

Back To Back Earnings Within A Few Hours…

Back To Back Earnings

Within a few hours another payout…

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Recurring Income

How I Make Money Online? 

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5iphon Reloaded

$18.97 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells




  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Email Marketing Works


  • Upsells
  • Too Much Hype & Unrealistic Claims
  • Paid Traffic - Solo Ads

4 thoughts on “5iphon Reloaded Review – [Scam Or legit Opportunity?]”

  1. Great Review about 5iphon Reloaded. However, I have heard the first time about this product. You portrait everything about 5iphon, very well here which reader will find helpful to take a decision. When I saw the line you said “$11,244,42 In Under 30 Days” I thought- wow, amazing. I will definitely go with it. But when I read and cone depth of this review, I have seen you didn’t recommend and the reason you said, absolutely true. Yes, I understand they have 30 days money back guarantee but it is not that much easy to make this huge amount of money within a month. And they have to upsell available,which shows another red signals.

    I absolutly agree with you.Instead of wasteing time,money and efforts for this type of hyped, we should focus on and established an online business which is real,long lasting passive income.Thanks for letting us know that 5iphon is not recommendable.

    • Thanks for the great inputs. Nowadays it is really hard to trust all the information shared on the sales pages “$11,244,42 In Under 30 Days” is hard to digest.

      In some cases, people struggle to get back their money. Building real, long-lasting and passive income is the way to go.

  2. I am very familiar with Brian Winters and in fact, joined his first version of this product. He is a great marketer and seems to do well with all his programs. Back then it was almost the same product with fewer upsells, but I did make quite a few sales on Clickbank promoting it. 

    Unfortunately, the hype didn’t last so the business wasn’t sustainable and I have since realized that in order to have a sustainable income, you need to be in charge of your own destiny (just as Mr. Winters is) and build up your own online business. Also, the list I built wasn’t a very responsive one, so I never made more sales off of that particular list that I had built up.


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