Nexus Profits Review – [Scam Or Legit Opportunity?]

Welcome To My Nexus Profits Review!

“Attention, Are You Looking For More Information On Nexus Profits? You Are In The Right Place!”

When you read the Nexus Profits sales page you would have come across the below information…

  • No Tech Skills Needed.
  • No Experience required.
  • No List Required.
  • No Product Creation.
  • No Paid Traffic.
  • No Website Required.
  • No SEO.
  • No Writing Content.
  • No CPA (Cost Per Action).
  • No Affiliate Marketing.
  • No eBay.
  • No eCommerce.
  • No Video Creation Required.
  • No Product Launching.

Sounds interesting right?

I did my research and watched many review videos including the review of Bill Hugall I wanted to find out what the actual product is all about if it is none of the above business models.

If you are also looking to find out what Nexus Profits is all about you are in the right place.

If you want to find out whether Nexus Profits is a scam or legit and looking for additional information on Nexus Profits, not to worry I am here to help you!

By the end of this review, you’ll have all the information that you’ll need to make an informed decision about Nexus Profits.

Nexus Profits Review

If You Don’t Want To Waste Your Time On Scams And Products That Under-Delivers With Low-Quality, See My #1 Recommended Way Of Making Money Online

Nexus Profits Review Summary

Product Name: Nexus Profits

Creators: Bill Hugall, Simple Spencer, & Ryan Mac

Launch Date: 13th August 2019

Product Type: Domain Flipping

Price: $8.95 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells

Summary: This product provides you a PDF training on domain flipping. 

Rating: 40/100

Is Nexus Profits Legit Or Scam? Legit

Is Nexus Profits Recommended? No

A few years before, I was actually in the exact same place you are right now looking for genuine and legit opportunities to make money online…

Since 2008, I tried many make money online programs and products. I have read 100’s of sales pages, watched 100’s of sales videos and spent many hours in finding a genuine training program.

To be honest, on my path to attain my goal (Being my own boss and working from home) I lost $4000+.

To achieve my goal I waited for nearly 10 years.

Finally, in September 2016, I found a genuine method to make money online as a result since December 2017, I am a Full-Time Affiliate Marketer and Blogger Working from Home.

So I know the pain and struggle you are going through to make money online.

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One Important Thing I Noticed On Some Review Posts

Doing your research is the best way to find legit and genuine programs and stay away from scams.

I do appreciate you for taking the time and effort to do your own research on Nexus Profits to find out whether it’s a scam or legit. That’s the best way to identify scams and genuine programs.

Unfortunately, there are some people who write positive and biased reviews of all the products they promote. There are people who write unbiased review posts as well. So you need to be careful.

I’d like to inform you I am in no way associated with Nexus Profits and I am not trying to promote Nexus Profits.


Nexus Profits Sales Page Claims

You can find the claims made on the Nexus Profits sales page/video below…

  • Discover How I Bank $193.00 Per Day Without A Website, Without a List, Without a Product, and without any tech skills!
  • It could possibly change your life.
  • Simple $100+/day System.
  • Unique & Very Fresh Method.
  • Just 20-30 minutes per day is all it takes to start seeing profits with this system!
  • The exact STEPS to start getting results within 24-48 hours
  • This is a PROVEN & tested system that banks $100 to $200/day like clockwork.
  • This Nexus Profits system is very easy to do. And only a few people are doing this right now. And those who are attempting to do it… are doing it wrong.
  • This is a proven system to get you banking $100 to $200/day quickly.

Let’s see if Nexus Profits lives up to these claims.

Before we dive into our review I would like to introduce you to my FREE GUIDEA Beginners Guide To Making Money Online – Be Your Own Boss!“. Anyone can build an online business from home by using my FREE make money online Guide, because it shows you how to turn your Passion into Profits.

What Is Nexus Profits?

By reading their sales page or watching their sales video, you won’t be able to find what Nexus Profits is all about.

There is no proper or detailed information on what methods or business model they are going to teach in Nexus Profits.

On their sales page, they only talk about how you can make money using  Nexus Profits.

So without knowing about the actual product or what you are going to learn from this product you need to buy this product.

Does that make sense to you?

To be honest I don’t buy a product without knowing what I am going to get from it.

Nowadays some product creators create their sales page without giving any details about their product. They want to keep it a secret. I don’t see any point in that.

Providing adequate details on the product will be a win-win situation for both the customers and the product creators.

Since Nexus Profits creators are established creators they don’t need to hide the information about the product.

Since they are not sharing about the product I don’t want to give you a lot of details about the product but I want to give you a hint about the product which will be helpful for you.

Nexus Profits is a PDF training course and it’s all about buy Purchasing domains and flipping it for a better price.

About The Creators

Bill Hugall, Simple Spencer and Ryan Mac are internet marketers and Bill Hugall is a product creator on make money online niche with many years of experience.

Below are Some products of Bill Hugall…

Shockwave Profits, Snowball Traffic, 2019 BLAST OFF, UNBREAKABLE, ATOMIC Profits, Laptop Legacy, Holiday Gold Rush, Profit Vortex, Millionaire Round Table, The Milk-It Method, List Masteree, Commission Control, Explosivo, etc.

I do have reviewed some products of Bill Hugall…

Stats On Warrior Plus

Nexus Profits made 500+ sales with a conversion rate of 12% and a refund rate of 0% at the time of writing this review.

How Nexus Profits Works? 

As I mentioned earlier, this is all about buying cheaper domains and flipping it for a higher price.

I believe it takes some time and effort to learn this business model. For newbies, it’s not going to be easy.

You can watch the below review video of Bill Hugall to know some additional information about Nexus Profits which you might not find on their sales page.


Front-End Product – Nexus Profits – $8.95

  • Upsell 1 – Super Simple $300/day Method – $17.00 – With this upsell they teach you how you can hit multi 3-figures per day. (Nexus Profits “Done For You” Tool – Creates emails quickly and easily)
  • Upsell 2 – How To Bank Insane 5-Figure Days – $27.00 – With this upsell they teach you how you can hit 5-figure/day.
  • Upsell 3 – Simple BUYERS List Method – $12.00 – They will teach you about, How to build a responsive buyers list without ever creating or launching a product!
  • Upsell 4 – FULL Resale Rights – $37.00 – Full resale rights and you can keep the 100% commission across the ENTIRE funnel.

Pro’s and Con’s

The Good:

→ 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

→ It’s Possible To Make Money Online By Flipping Domains.

The Bad:

→ Upsells.

→ No Video Training.

→ Flipping Domains Takes Time It Might Not Produce You The Quick Results.

→ Too much hype and unrealistic claims.

Too much hype and unrealistic claims

Is Nexus Profits A Scam?

No, Nexus Profits is not a scam. They provide you with a PDF training and also offer you a 30-day money-back guarantee.

However, if you are a newbie I do not recommend Nexus Profits for the below reasons…

Reason 1 – Too Many Upsells

I hate too many upsells and I believe when there are too many upsells the Front-end product is not a complete one.

Although, Bill Hugall claims that you don’t need the upsells to succeed he claims honest review…

“In order to get the Most value you need to buy the Upsells.”

So you need to buy their upsells to get the total value and for better results.

Reason 2 – Too Much Hype And Unrealistic Claims

On their sales video, there are too much hype and unrealistic claims which I believe might disappoint you.

They claim that…

“Just 20-30 minutes per day is all it takes to start seeing profits with this system!”

Based on my experience just 20-30 minutes per day will not be sufficient to achieve online success. It takes a lot of time, work and effort to make money online.

Other claims…

  • The exact STEPS to start getting results within 24-48 hours.
  • This is a PROVEN & tested system that banks $100 to $200/day like clockwork.
  • This is a proven system to get you banking $100 to $200/day quickly.

I personally stay away from programs and products that promise quick, fast and easy money for just working a few minutes a day.

You can make money online by domain flipping but it will take time and you need to learn and gain some experience.

Reason 3 – No Video Training

Nowadays, people prefer video content or video training compared to PDF. It is always good and easy to watch on how things have done compare to reading it.

Thanks for reading my Nexus Profits review post!

If you are interested to learn about making money online from scratch I can help you.

“The Great End Of Life Is Not Knowledge But Action” – Thomas Henry Huxley

Action is what unites every great success and action is what produces results. Take Action!

My Earnings

Often people ask me is it really possible to earn $100+ in a single day. The answer is YES! My Highest Per Day Earning is $175 In Affiliate Marketing. See the proofs below.

My Highest Per Day Earning $175 In Affiliate Marketing

Looking for the latest one?

My Latest $170+ Per day Affiliate Income

Back To Back Earnings Within A Few Hours…

Back To Back Earnings

Within a few hours another payout…

What about recurring income every month?

Recurring Income

How I Make Money Online? 

Success Is A Learnable Skill. You Can Learn To Succeed At Anything.” — T. Harv Eker

“Affiliate Marketing Has Made Businesses Millions & Ordinary People Millionaires.” – Bo Bennett

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Nexus Profits

$8.95 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells




  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.
  • It's Possible To Make Money Online By Flipping Domains.


  • Upsells.
  • No Video Training.
  • Flipping Domains Takes Time It Might Not Produce You The Quick Results.

4 thoughts on “Nexus Profits Review – [Scam Or Legit Opportunity?]”

  1. I would advise anyone who has the intention to join this platform to save their precious time and ignore it. As you rightly said, it contains too many upsell. The product contains minimum 3 upsell. And if you buy front end product then it’s a must you buy upsell 1, if you want to start working. After that you will still have to buy up-sell 2, for more details…. then up sell 3, for complete package. Then after buying all 3 products, there is still need for a lot of tools for various tasks(website, hosting, autoresponder, content builder, making video etc…) yet making no money. I love your honest review.


  2. Good and very thorough review of nexus profits. It looks to promise much more than it’s possible to achieve and much faster. However, there are huge amount of get-rich-overnight type scheme and even actual scams among making money online industries and its always nice to have people like you giving honest tips and advice and help people not only to avoid the scams but also to be able to achieve their goals. I will take a further look at your website´s other articles now.

    • I am happy to hear you found some value from my review. Yes, it’s always advisable to do your homework before buying any make money online products or programs. 


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