Is Tranont A Scam? – [A Health And Wealth Education Company?]

Welcome To My Tranont Review!

Does optimal health start with Tranont? Can you trust the Tranont products? Can you manage, protect, and grow your wealth with Tranont? Is Tranont a Scam? Or Tranont A legit business opportunity? Let’s find out!

In this Tranont review, I will provide you with detailed and in-depth information on Tranont. And whether Tranont can impact our lives for good.

As you know very well there are 1000’s of MLM opportunities out there. To be honest, not every opportunity is great. However, every MLM company is promising to change lives.

I strongly believe this review post will save your time, trouble, effort, and money. Please continue your reading for more insights…

Is Tranont A Scam? - Tranont Logo

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Tranont Review Summary

Product Name: Tranont

Creators: Lorne Berry

Launch Date: 2014

Product Type: MLM Company In Health, Wellness And Wealth Niche

Best For: Experienced network marketers.

Price: $99 Start-Up Fee, Annual Renewal Fee $49 and Minimum $125 As Subscription Fee.

Summary: Tranont is an MLM company in the health, wellness and wealth niche. Tranont is based in Utah, USA. They have a wide range of products in different niches and their products are quite expensive. I am not recommending this company and you can find the reasons for this review.

Rating: 35/100

Is Tranont Legit Or Scam? Legit

Is Tranont Recommended? No

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One Important Thing I Noticed On Some Review Posts

As I mentioned earlier, there are 1000’s of MLM companies out there, and not all the companies are genuine. Many MLM companies under-delivers with low-quality.

Doing your research is the best way to find legit and genuine programs and stay away from scams. I appreciate you for taking the time to find out more information on Tranont.

So I will advise you to do your homework before making your purchase decision. Also, you need to be aware that not all reviews are unbiased.

I’d like to inform you that I am in no way associated with Tranont and I am not trying to sell Tranont products to you.


Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

Below you can find some frequently asked questions for your quick reference…

What Is Tranont All About?

  • Tranont is an MLM company in the health, wellness and wealth niche based in Utah, USA. They have a wide range of products in a different niche and their products are quite expensive. I am not recommending this company and you can find the reasons for this review.

How Much Tranont Cost?

  • $99 Start-Up Fee, Annual Renewal Fee $49 and Minimum $125 As Subscription Fee.

Is Tranont A Scam?

  • No, Tranont is not a scam.

Is It Possible To Make Money By Joining Tranont?

  • Yes but the success rate is very low. You can make money if you are an experienced network marketer with a big team.

Is Tranont A Pyramid Scheme?

  • No, Tranont is not a pyramid scheme.

Is Tranont Accredited By BBB?

  • No, Tranont is not accredited by BBB. They have an A+ rating.

Are Tranont Products Approved By Food And Drug Administration?

  • No, Tranont products are not approved by the FDA.

Are You Recommending Tranont?

  • No

What’s Your Top Recommendation To Make Money Online?

  • You can read my top recommendation below.

If You Are Tired Of Scams & Products That Under-Delivers. My Free Guide Will Be A Greater Help. I Know This Because The Same Process Helped Me To Become My Own Boss.

Tranont Mission Statement

Below you can find some promising statements from Tranont.

  • Tranont is on a mission to impact one billion lives for good.
  • As a health and wealth education company, we provide instruction, products, and services to help families reach financial goals and live healthy lives.

Let’s see if Tranont can help in maximizing us.

What Is Tranont?

On their website…

  • As a health and wealth education company, we provide instruction, products, and services to help families reach financial goals and live healthy lives.

Tranont is a multi-level marketing company that promotes health, wellness and wealth products. They have a wide range of products in the different niches it’s a big surprise for me. They are based in Garden Level Lehi, Utah, USA.

What Are The Products Offered By Tranont?

As I mentioned, they offer products in different niches not many MLM companies promote products like Tranont. Bel9ow are the product categories…


  • Life
  • Balance
  • Vibe
  • Restore

Wealth Services

  • Taxbot
  • Tranont Credit Card Services
  • Tranont Defend

Business Services

  • Tranont Merchant Processing
  • Jive Business Phone

Home Services

  • Affiliate Solar
  • NorthStar

Is Tranont A Scam? - Tranont Health Products

Tranont Lawsuits And Complaints

While doing some research online I came to know that although Tranont provides financial services, In 2013 Berry filed for bankruptcy due to personal of $1,000,000.

Also, they had a legal issue with MICHAEL MASER, Plaintiff and there is no information on the final verdict. For more information on this legal issue click HERE.

Are Tranont Products Worth Their Price?

I don’t think so and their products are quite expensive.

Does Tranont Product Works?

It depends on individual usage (Health Products).

However, on their website, they have provided the below information…

  • Tranont products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

So their products are not going to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I hope you get my point here.

How Much It Will Cost To Join Tranont?

They are quite expensive to join. Before making any money you need to spend a lot of money with Tranont.

$99 Start-Up Fee, Annual Renewal Fee $49, and Minimum $125 As Subscription Fee. Oops, a lot of money!

Tranont Compensation Plan

To be honest, I always find the compensation plan very complicated with many MLM companies and Tranont is no different from them.

To make it simple…

Retail Sales – You sell products to customers and earn a commission.

Residual Commission – The commission earned from your team.

so the Bonuses are…

  • Personal Customer Commissions
  • Car Bonus
  • Monthly Team Bonuses


They have different ranks…

  • Associate
  • Executive
  • Financial Consultant (FC)
  • 1 Star FC
  • 2 Star FC
  • Senior Financial Consultant (SFC)
  • 1 Star SFC
  • 2 Star SFC
  • 3 Star SFC
  • Regional Financial Specialist (RFS)
  • Vice President
  • Senior VP
  • President
  • CEO

For more information on their compensation plan click HERE.

The below video will provide you with some additional information on their compensation plan.

When The Payouts Are Made With Tranont?

Commissions are paid on the 10th day of every month and are paid one full month in arrears.

What Are The Payment Methods Available With Tranont?

They pay you via check and they charge you a $3 check fee.

Who Is Tranont For?

Experienced network marketers. Who can recruit new members consistently, market Tranont products and train members how to do the same

How Can I Make Money With Tranont?

You can make money in two ways…

1. By selling their products
2. By recruiting Associates and by building your team.

Tranont pays the retail service commissions to the associates based on the number of their active retail service accounts.

  • 1-10 Accounts – 10%
  • 11-20 Accounts – 15%
  • 21+ Accounts – 30%

Is Tranont Accredited By Better Business Bureau?

No, Tranont is not accredited by BBB and they have an A+ rating.

Are Tranont Products Approved By Food And Drug Administration?

No, Tranont products are not approved by the FDA. You can find the below statement from the Tranont website itself…

  • Claims about Tranont supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

Google Trending

I don’t see great interest among people in searching for Tranont. You can see their Google trending by clicking HERE.

Pro’s and Con’s

The Good:

→ Wide Range Of Products

→ In The Market For 6+ Years

The Bad:

→ No Income Disclosure Statement

→ You Need To Make Personal Orders Or Sales Worth Of $125 Monthly (100 Personal Volume)

→ Success Rate Is Very Low With The MLM Business Model

→ To Make More Money You Need To Recruit More People

→ Their Products Are Quite Expensive

Is Tranont A Pyramid Scheme? 

No, Tranont is not a pyramid scheme and they do have products and services.

Is Tranont A Scam? - Is Tranont A Pyramid Scheme?

Is Tranont A Scam?

No, Tranont is not a scam. They have a wide range of products and services.

However, I don’t recommend Tranont for the below reasons.

Reason 1 – No Income Disclosure Statement

Although the company is operating for several years it’s a surprise for me that I can’t find their Income Disclosure Statement.

When there is No Income Disclosure Statement it’s a big red flag for me. With the help of the Income Disclosure Statement, we will know how much people are earning with Tranont.

I have reviewed many MLM programs on this site and trust me compared to the people who are making money people who lose their money are more.

When there is No Income Disclosure Statement it creates a lot of doubt.

Reason 2 – Not Accredited By BBB

I always prefer to check whether the company is accredited by BBB or not. It’s one of the important checklists on my list and being accredited by the BBB builds trust. Tranont is not accredited by BBB and they have an A+ rating.

Reason 3 – Success Rate Is Very Low With MLM Business Model

Not only with Tranont with the companies that are using the MLM business model the success rate is very low. Most of the time people who are on the top make more money. This is not going to help you in the long run.

Newbies and people on the bottom of the ladder lose their money.

For more information, you can read my post “Network Marketing vs Affiliate Marketing – Pros And Cons“.

I am not against the MLM business model and I am not saying you can’t earn money with MLM. All I am trying to say is the success rate with MLM is very less and many people fail with MLM business.

Is Tranont A Scam? - Success Rate Is Very Low With MLM Business Model

Among the 26% of people who made money nearly 14% made less than $420 a month (less than $5000 per year). So you can see a very less number of people make money via the MLM business model.

Often they are the people who joined when the company started and who have a big team under them and they are on the top of the ladder.

Reason 4 – It’s Going To Be A Struggle And Challenge To Sell Their Service

Already the health and wellness niche is a crowded one. Since their products are quite expensive it’s going to be a big struggle for you to sell their products and services.

Reason 5 – Inactivity

  • If the Associate fails to pay his/her monthly payments for 45 days, the account will be suspended. 90 days of non-payment result in soft probation. Soft probation results in the Associate being required to pay a $149.00 reactivation fee plus the $125.00 current CORE Membership Fee, or a total of $274.00.

What do you think?

  • The pressure to buy the expensive plans in order to earn a higher percentage commission.
  • You are going to earn a commission from Tranont, not from the service provider so the commission is going to be less.
  • Active status requires 100 PV every month.

These are some of the other concerns.

Thanks for reading my review post!

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My Earnings

Often people ask me is it really possible to earn $100+ in a single day. The answer is YES! My Highest Per Day Earning is $175 In Affiliate Marketing. See the proofs below.

My Highest Per Day Earning $175 In Affiliate Marketing

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My Latest $170+ Per day Affiliate Income

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Back To Back Earnings

Within a few hours another payout…

What about recurring income every month?

Recurring Income

How I Make Money Online? 

Success Is A Learnable Skill. You Can Learn To Succeed At Anything.” — T. Harv Eker

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$99 Start-Up Fee, Annual Renewal Fee $49 and Minimum $125 As Subscription Fee.




  • Wide Range Of Products
  • In The Market For 6+ Years


  • No Income Disclosure Statement
  • You Need To Make Personal Orders Or Sales Worth Of $125 Monthly (100 Personal Volume)
  • Success Rate Is Very Low With The MLM Business Model

4 thoughts on “Is Tranont A Scam? – [A Health And Wealth Education Company?]”

  1. Wow! Great review you have done here on Tranont and I must say that I truly love this post here. It is not an easy thing learning to engage in mlm because of the dangers attached to it of not making money at all. However, I had some bad time with mlm when I just got into making money online. So, I’d rather stay off this Tranont. Thanks

  2. The issues with many MLMs that make people shy away from them are found at Tranont,  The company isn’t transparent. There appears to be some legal troubles but do to the lack of transparency, its hard to tell if the company is in trouble. It is very difficult to make money outside of recruiting is my biggest problem. I know it isn’t a pyramid scheme but if have to recruit to make money it isn’t much different than one if you ask me. 


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