HaveMoney.Club Review

Dear Friend,

In this post, I am going to share havemoney.club review from my own experience. As like my other reviews, I am not going to give you a lot of information or discuss it elaborately. I am going to make it very simple so that you can save your precious time.

HaveMoney.Club Review from my own experience

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How I Came To Know About This Site?

I received a message to my WhatsApp number stating I can make more money online with this website as an author I strongly believe it will be great to have my own experience before I write a review about an online money-making product so I joined it and gave it a try.

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What We Need To Do For Joining?

We don’t need to pay anything it’s free to join all we need to do is create a username and password along with our email address. You can see the signup page below.

HaveMoney.Club Sign up page

 What Is The Actual Work We Need To Do?

It’s very very simple all we need to do is type the numbers shown above anyone can do this. For this simple work, you will earn $0.10 per ad unit. Just see the below screenshot.

HaveMoney.Club Review easy typing work

All you need to do is type 3131 in the box for that you will earn $0.10. Sounds easy ah?

My Own Experience With havemoney.club

I registered with the website. I started working when I reached $10 I tried to cash out… I got a pop up…

Pop Up 1

“You need to reach $150 for cash out”.

Hmm okay I continued my work after few hours I reached $160 and again I tried to cash out… There comes the second pop up.

Pop Up 2

“You need to refer minimum 40 referrals to cash out”

Getting 40 referrals is not that easy, to be honest. I was a bit shocked ten referrals itself is a challenging task but 40 referrals…

HaveMoney.Club Review false promises

Oh my GOD!!! I was not happy but you know what I wanted to give a try for that as well. I contacted my friends I shared my referral link with them and it taken 3 days for me to attain 40 referrals. Finally, I achieved 40 referrals and tried to cash out. There comes the third pop!!!

Pop Up 3

“In order to receive your money quickly send us a payment worth of $10 in bitcoin or else wait for 1 to 2 months”.

In order to pay us for our work if a company says, send us some money so that we will process your payment quickly what you will think about that friend?

I was not really happy and I thought okay let us wait, but you know what happened? After 3 days I tried to login but oops!!! My account was deleted due to inactivity. See the screenshot below. I tried to change my password also and tried to login there is no way my username and password is incorrect because whenever I register I will make a note of my username and password.

HaveMoney.Club Review deletion of my account

Also I came to know that they have multiple websites with the same type, to name a few (I came to know this from my referrals and browsing on net)

  • ketmoney.club
  • wotmoney.club
  • duhmoney.club
  • votmoney.club
  • normoney.club
  • ruzmoney.club
  • gatmoney.club
  • bezmoney.club
  • limmoney.xyz
  • repmoney.club
  • lpgmoney.club
  • figmoney.club etc etc etc

The list goes on…. if you open and see those websites you will get your own idea and you will come to the conclusion.

The Pain Part

I personally tried a number of programs claims you can earn money but at the end of the day, that’s not the case, in this program alone see what I came through…I invested my time (for typing alone it take nearly 3 hours), I contacted nearly 50+ of my friends and explained to them and clarified their doubts, nearly 3 days I spent on this program. Of all-knowing all my efforts went in vain there is no word to explain the pain part…

You know what after I realized this is not a genuine program I again contacted my friends to inform them so that they don’t waste their time and energy.

My Earnings

Often people ask me is it really possible to earn $100+ in a single day. The answer is YES! My Highest Per Day Earning is $175 In Affiliate Marketing. See the proofs below.

My Highest Per Day Earning $175 In Affiliate Marketing

Looking for the latest one?

My Latest $170+ Per day Affiliate Income

Back To Back Earnings Within A Few Hours…

Back To Back Earnings

Within a few hours another payout…

What about recurring income every month?

Recurring Income

How I Make Money Online? 

Success Is A Learnable Skill. You Can Learn To Succeed At Anything.” — T. Harv Eker

“Affiliate Marketing Has Made Businesses Millions & Ordinary People Millionaires.” – Bo Bennett

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Your Friend,


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Product Quality







  • Waste of time

4 thoughts on “HaveMoney.Club Review”

  1. I became ill and was unable to login to my account in Have Money Club. I continued being ill and was unable to do any thing. Long story short I landed up having two surgeries with three weeks in between to heal. Well, I went on to miss signing in for a long time. At the end of healing I tried to login. To my surprise & shock my account had been deleted due to inactivity. I have tried to register again, kept trying to login, and even tried to find a way to make contact with Have Money Club by phone, email, or a written letter. I’ve had no luck. I’m really upset due to my High Medical Costs. The $2,300 is really needed. It would be a great help. Please let me know how to make contact if you can. Thank you! 🙂

    • Dear Minnie,

      I am sorry to hear about your health condition and the surgeries you gone through. I believe everything is fine now and I will remember you in my prayers.

      Related to Havemoney.club I was not paid and many reporting it as a scam website as well. Its not possible to get your earnings from them I too lost what I earned with them. So don’t waste your time on Havemoney.club anymore please.

      Please take care of yourself. Wishing you good health & Success. GOD Bless!

      Your Friend,

  2. Wow that is an incredible story. What a scam and it is a shame they get away with doing this. I’m sorry you ended up wasting so much time but am grateful you wrote about your experience so others can avoid this scam.

    • Dear Craig,

      Although I feel bad when I think of that but its an learning experience and the main reason I have written this post is to help others and save their time. I am happy already a few saved their time and money because of my reviews that brings me joy and pleasure.



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