eCom Cash Bot Review – (Scam Or Legit?)

Welcome To My eCom Cash Bot Review!

In this eCom Cash Bot review, I will share with you the pros, cons, how it works, price, upsells, and the reasons why I am not recommending eCom Cash Bot.

I am sure the information I provide you with will help you to make an informed decision.

This is not the first time I come across a sales video with a sob story and providing big claims that their software can help you to make easy money with just a few minutes of work.

I have reviewed 340+ make money online programs and products on this website and by reading this review you will save your time, trouble, effort, and money.

eCom Cash Bot Review - Logo

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eCom Cash Bot Review Summary

Product Name: eCom Cash Bot

Website: (this is not my affiliate link)

Creators: Unknown

Product Type: eCommerce Training

Price: $9 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells

Summary: eCom Cash Bot is a rehashed version of China Cash Clone. The training you are going to get is very basic and I am not recommending eCom Cash Bot.

Rating: 10/100

Is eCom Cash Bot Scam? No

Is eCom Cash Bot Recommended? No

Are There Better Options Compared To eCom Cash Bot? Yes

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

Below you can find some frequently asked questions for your quick reference…

What Is eCom Cash Bot All About?

  • eCom Cash Bot is a rehashed version of China Cash Clone. The training you are going to get is very basic and I am not recommending eCom Cash Bot.

How Much eCom Cash Bot Cost?

  • $9 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells

Is There Upsells?

  • Yes, there are 2 upsells.

Is It Possible To Make $2,000 PER DAY OR MORE STARTING TODAY As Mentioned In eCom Cash Bot Sales Page?

  • No, with the training provided by eCom Cash Bot I don’t think so.

Just 20 Minutes Of Work Per Day Is Enough As Mentioned In eCom Cash Bot Sales Page?

  • No, I don’t think so.

Is eCom Cash Bot A Scam?

  • No, but not recommended.

Is It Possible To Make Money Online Using eCom Cash Bot?

  • By just using eCom Cash Bot training it’s going to be a nightmare.

Is There A Money-Back Guarantee With eCom Cash Bot?

  • Yes, there is a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Are There Better Options Available Compared To eCom Cash Bot?

  • Yes

What’s Your Top Recommendation To Make Money Online?

  • You can read my top recommendation below.

If You Are Tired Of Scams & Products That Under-Delivers. My Free Guide Will Be A Greater Help. I Know This Because The Same Process Helped Me To Become My Own Boss.

One Important Thing I Noticed On Some Review Posts

Doing your research is the best way to find legit and genuine programs and stay away from scams.

There are people who promote all the products they review and they are not bothered about the value the product offers.

You need to be aware that there are biased and unbiased reviews online. So you need to be very careful when you base your purchase decision based on the reviews you read.

I’d like to inform you that I am in no way associated with eCom Cash Bot and I am not trying to sell eCom Cash Bot.


eCom Cash Bot Sales Page Claims

You can find the claims made on the eCom Cash Bot sales video/page below…

  • $10,000 in just 7 days.
  • $40,000 every single month.
  • Make up to $500,000 this year.
  • All you need is a spare 20 minutes (each day) and you could start making up to $1,500 per day.

Let’s see if eCom Cash Bot lives up to these claims.

Before we dive into our review I would like to introduce you to my FREE GUIDEA Beginners Guide To Making Money Online – Be Your Own Boss!“. Anyone can build an online business from home by using my FREE make money online Guide, because it shows you how to turn your Passion into Profits.

What Is eCom Cash Bot?

eCom Cash Bot is a product with a sales video/page full of too much hype and unrealistic claims. They promise the earth and don’t deliver.

They have a few videos about drop shipping and also this a rehashed product (more this later).

About The Creators

There is no information about the creator and the creator is hiding behind the product. This is not good news.

A Look Inside eCom Cash Bot

Apart from the two plugins, you will just find the below 4 videos in the member’s area.

  • Video 1 – Set Up
  • Video 2 – Customisation
  • Video 3 – Woocommerce
  • Video 4 – Aliexpress

How eCom Cash Bot Works? 

You are going to download a couple of plugins and then you are going to learn about dropshipping.

This is all about selling other people’s physical products via your website. You are going to promote products from Aliexpress.

They are not teaching about the lifeblood of the business – Traffic (more on this later).


Front End Product – $9

  • Upsell 1 – Double My Profits – $147
    • Downsell 1 – $97
  • Upsell 2 – Elite VIP Membership – $297
    • Downsell 2 –  $197

Pro’s and Con’s

The Good:

→ 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

The Bad:

→ Fake Testimonies

→ Fake Scarcity

→ Too Much Hype And Unrealistic Claims

→ Rehashed Version Of China Cash Clone

→ No Guarantee For Success

→ Upsells

→ Your Personal Data Is Not Safe

→ No Training On Driving Traffic

Is eCom Cash Bot A Scam?

They do offer you some basic information and come with a 60-day money-back guarantee so it will be very harsh to call it a scam. However, I don’t recommend eCom Cash Bot for the below reasons…

Your Data Is Not Safe

The personal data you are providing to them is not safe and they may sell your data. Don’t quote me on that… Read the below information from their site (it’s on their site)

eCom Cash Bot Review - Your Data Is Not Safe

Rehashed Product

eCom Cash Bot is a rehashed product of China Cash Clone. There are many products like this with a new name for some other products. Often these rehashed products under-delivers with low-quality.

Too Much Hype And Unrealistic Claims

$10,000 by the end of this week?

Their sales video is full of hype and unrealistic claims. If you are going to believe their statements for sure you will be disappointed.

eCom Cash Bot Review - Too Much Hype And Unrealistic Claims

No Guarantee For Success

On the bottom of their sales page, you can find the below information.

  • The typical purchaser does not make any money using this system.

Fake Testimonies

Whenever I find that the product or program used fake testimonies it is a NO-NO for me.

They don’t even have one or two people who succeeded using their system and they are providing wrong information. Because they used Fiverr actor, see the proof below.

eCom Cash Bot Review - Fake Testimony

But they claim that the information shared is true and accurate. It’s not the truth and they are providing wrong and fake information.


As you know very well traffic is the lifeblood of any business. Unfortunately, there is no training on driving traffic. What is the use of having your online store without any traffic?

Just 20 Minutes Of Work?

Trust me dropshipping involves a lot of work and just 20 minutes of work per day is not going to get you anywhere.

Even the successful internet marketers whom I know, work for 2-4 hours per day.

eCom Cash Bot Review - Too Much Hype And Unrealistic Claims

I hope the above information provides you with enough reasons why you need to stay away from this product.

Also, there are more like… Fake scarcity, upsells, fake success scripts (people made this much money) and the list goes on.

Thanks for reading my review.

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My Highest Per Day Earning $175 In Affiliate Marketing

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Back To Back Earnings

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eCom Cash Bot

$9 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells




  • 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee


  • Fake Testimonies
  • Fake Scarcity
  • Too Much Hype And Unrealistic Claims
  • Rehashed Version Of China Cash Clone
  • No Guarantee For Success

8 thoughts on “eCom Cash Bot Review – (Scam Or Legit?)”

  1. Thanks for the well detailed review on eCome Cash Bot with all that I’ve read I Wouldn’t want sign up because I am not convinced of the legitimacy of the service they render, people can be very deceitful at times and will write up just about anything to get you interested in buying a product with low quality offers.

  2. Thanks for providing such a detail review of eCom Cash Bot that helps me make better decision on rather to use the service or not. This program was recommended to me by a friend, however before signing up needed more details about the program. The promise of making $2,000 or more in a day with just 20 minutes a day of work is a big red flag. As with any program to make money online takes time and dedication, this statement puts hold on my decision to join. By it being based on another version under different name, could be they received to many bad reviews. Hope your review is reached by many people before they invest in this program. May I have your permission to share your review on social media?

    • Yes, $2000 per day is really hard to digest with just 20 minutes of work. There are too many red flags. Yes, you can share my review post. Thanks!

  3. Thank you for your informative post on this company. For myself, I have found that seldom does much money come from little work. You must put in plenty of effort in order to succeed. I liked the quote, “If You Don’t Build Your Dream Someone Will Hire You To Help Build Theirs.” ― Tony Gaskins It takes effort to build anything.
    Thanks for an eye-opening article.

    • True! In order to make money online, it takes a lot of work, effort, time, patience, and continuous learning.

  4. E Com Cash is another one of the sites that make us know we can do better.  We don’t have to fall for the insincere claims about the path to successful marketing online.  We have all seen and used sites that were such poorly constructed systems that it didn’t take long to realize that the person selling the product was the benefit of the seller, not the buyer and user.

    This is a very real and present threat in the world of online oppurtunities.  We do have to be alert and do our research to make sure that when we pay for help or access to training, that we are not wasting our money.  The things that should tip us all off to the lack of truth for us in this product is when they talk about lots of money for little effort.  That is not how it works  Yes, the beat goes on!  Thanks for your ideas and opinions. 


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