Unusual Ways To Make Your Millions Online

More people are having to work more than one job than ever before. Even when you’ve worked hard to get into a career which you enjoy, having enough money to live the life you want can often be a challenge, and this leaves people with little choice but to find something extra.

Of course, though, it often doesn’t have to be this way. The internet provides a huge amount of earning potential, with loads of people around the world throwing their hat into the ring. But, how exactly could you make your millions online?

This is an affiliate contributed post. That means that Paul did not write the entire post.

E-Books & Mailing Lists

Before the days of large-scale eCommerce and social media sales, e-books and mailing lists were king.

With the work that goes into writing a book being fairly minimal, and clever marketing making it possible to sell them with ease, this is still an excellent way to make some extra money on the web.

You should write about something you know a lot about, and should always work hard to provide content which is of high quality.

Since 2008, I have tried many make money online programs and products. Followed many successful Internet Marketers and learned a lot from them.

Two common things I noticed with all the successful Internet Marketers.

  1. Own Product – Most of the time it’s an Ebook.
  2. Mailing List – They have a big mailing list.

Email marketing works. Period. Your mailing list is your online asset.

That’s the reason they say…

Money Is In The List.

How To Build An Email List For Marketing its by building the list

Social Media Influencing

“Online is old news. Online in Social Media is today’s news… Social Media is not a subset of the internet. Social Media is the internet – Sean Case”

Over the last few years, social media as rocketed into being one of the most popular forms of entertainment available to modern people.

As a big part of this, people have started to be able to gain fame and fortune through services like this, and it doesn’t take much to have success on Instagram, Facebook, and the other sites out there.

Social Media

By posting content which people want to see, you will quickly gain a following which will be able to make you money, all while getting loads of free products in the process.

Nowadays, Social media platforms play an important role in driving traffic. I do have some blogging friends, they drive traffic purely from their social media accounts and make a living by promoting products to their following.

Blogging & Reviews

Okay, so it might be a little optimistic to say that you can make millions out of writing blogs alone, but it’s still worth considering this angle.

A lot of people are able to support themselves with jobs like this, and it only takes a little bit of content writing to be able to get started.

It’s a good idea to look around the web for inspiration. Aside from this, though, you need only get started with a service like WordPress to build a blog which loads of people will see.

I am a full-time blogger working from home. Based on my experience I will always advise you to blog on your interest or passion.

You can turn your passion into profits that’s the beauty of Blogging.


Nowadays, people base their purchase decision based on the reviews they read. So by writing honest and unbiased reviews, you can provide great value to your visitors.


Starting an online store is something which most people simply don’t have the resources for. Alongside building a website, you also need to have the money to buy a lot of stock, and this can be a lot more expensive than people expect.

Dropshipping enables you to start an eCommerce business without having to buy anything, though. Instead, you will be selling on behalf of others, while scooping up a healthy portion of the profits for yourself.

Final Thoughts

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to get started on the time you put into making your side-income. A lot of people struggle with this sort of work, finding it hard to know what they need to do when they first start out trying to make money online.

In reality, though, making money is easier than ever before, as long as you know where to look.

Seek, and ye shall find!

Take Action

What I Recommend?

I strongly believe having your own website and doing affiliate marketing is the best way to make money online. Also, you can learn how to drive free traffic to your site without spending any money.

The Greatest gift that extraordinarily successful people have over the average person is their ability to get themselves to TAKE ACTION! – Tony Robbins

I have revealed in more detail about the method which helped me to become a full-time Affiliate Marketer and how YOU too can do it in my FREE Guide.

I want to share what I found so you can build the online business of your dreams too!

“Affiliate Marketing has made Businesses Millions & Ordinary People Millionaires.” – Bo Bennett

If you are interested in learning Affiliate Marketing…

Read My Free Guide – A Beginners Guide To Making Money Online – Be Your Own Boss!

Need help with anything I discussed here on Unusual Ways To Make Your Millions Online.

Not to worry I am here to help you, please feel free to contact me at paul@beyourownbossbyblogging.com or leave your comment here and I will be happy to help you.

Your Friend,


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