Is Auto Chat Profits A Scam? – [Just 23 Minutes Of Work Per Day?]

Welcome To My Review Is Auto Chat Profits A Scam!

“Attention, Are You Looking For More Information On Auto Chat Profits? You Are In The Right Place!”

Just 23 Minutes Of Work Per Day?

Just 6 MINUTES and 14 CLICKS!

Sounds Great Right?

Automation is good and will save a lot of time but not all the automation tools are great and might not be helpful in the longer run.

In this review post, you will find detailed and in-depth information about Auto Chat Profits so read until the end and you’ll be able to make an informed decision about whether this system is for you or not.

Is Auto Chat Profits A Scam?

If You Don’t Want To Waste Your Time On Scams And Products That Under-Delivers With Low-Quality, See My #1 Recommended Way Of Making Money Online

Auto Chat Profits Review Summary

Product Name: Auto Chat Profits

Creators: Unknown (Samantha Smith Might not be the real name behind this product)

Launch Date: January 2019

Product Type: Affiliate marketing using a Done-For-You website and Chatbot software.

Price: $37 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells

Summary: This is all about using a Done-For-You website and Chatbot software to build an email list and promote ClickBank products. Affiliate Marketing promoting ClickBank products and Building Email List using Chatbot software.

Rating: 20/100

Is Auto Chat Profits Recommended? No.

On a daily basis, 100’s of make money online products are launched and you know very well not every product is legit.

I have lost $4000+ to scams in the past and I know the pain and how it will hurt to lose our hard-earned money to scams and products under-delivers.

After a long struggle, I found a genuine method to make money online as a result since 2017 December I am a Full-Time Affiliate Marketer and Blogger Working from Home.

Because of my past experience with scams, I decided to build a website and do honest reviews on make money online products.

I have reviewed 100+ make money online products on this site for the past 2 years and provided helpful information to my visitors.

By the end of this Wealthy Agency review, you’ll have all the information that you’ll need to make an informed decision about this program.

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

Below you can find some frequently asked questions for your quick reference…

What Is Auto Chat Profits All About?

  • This is all about using a Done-For-You website and Chatbot software to build an email list and promote ClickBank products. Affiliate Marketing promoting ClickBank products and Building Email List using Chatbot software.

How Much Auto Chat Profits Cost?

  • $37 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells.

Is There Upsells?

  • Yes, there are 3 upsells.

Is Auto Chat Profits A Scam?

  • No

Is It Possible To Make Money Online Using Auto Chat Profits?

  • May be

Is There A Money-Back Guarantee With Auto Chat Profits?

  • Yes, there is a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Are There Better Options Available Compared To Auto Chat Profits?

  • Yes

What’s Your Top Recommendation To Make Money Online?

  • You can read my top recommendation below.

If You Are Tired Of Scams & Products That Under-Delivers. My Free Guide Will Be A Greater Help. I Know This Because The Same Process Helped Me To Become My Own Boss.

One Important Thing I Noticed On The Review Posts

Doing your research is the best way to find legit and genuine programs and stay away from scams.

Nowadays, people are doing their own research before buying any make money online programs or products, as you are doing now, Congrats! That’s the best way to stay away from scams & products which under-delivers.

Unfortunately, realizing people base their purchase decision on other people’s reviews or after reading reviews & others experience, some people are writing positive and biased reviews of all the products they promote so you need to be careful. Not all the reviews are genuine.

I’d like to inform you I am in no way associated with this program in any form and I am not trying to sell Auto Chat Profits.


Auto Chat Profits Sales Page Claims

Below are some claims made by Auto Chat Profits on their Sales video…

  • Robot Technology Siphons Us Up To $423.67 A DAY With Shocking Consistency
  • 336 CONSECUTIVE DAYS OF PROFIT (And Counting) Thanks To The Power Of Automation
  • You could make money every day from the internet
  • This is completely NEW and UNSEEN…
  • In less than 6 minute our software cab build you a BRAND NEW DONE-FOR-YOU Robot site…
  • We have the tools which actually works and we know the secret shortcuts…
  • Revolutionary robot technology
  • You start using it today in under 6 MINUTES and 14 CLICKS. It’s so SIMPLE but PROVEN to MAKE MONEY…
  • Secret Algorithm to FIND THE WEBSITES with the BEST PRODUCTS. It does all the hard work for you…
  • Easy shortcut to the highest Commission Payouts
  • It’s so simple to make money with our ROBOT…
  • All you need at a minimum is 23 minutes a day.

Let’s see if the product lives up to these claims.

Before we dive into our review I would like to introduce you to my FREE GUIDEA Beginners Guide To Making Money Online – Be Your Own Boss!“. Anyone can build an online business from home by using my FREE make money online Guide, because it shows you how to turn your Passion into Profits.

What Is Auto Chat Profits? 

I am happy to see the sales video of Auto Chat Profits gives us some idea of what the product is all about.

Nowadays many make money online programs won’t share any information about the product on their sales page.

Auto Chat Profits is a DFY website to promote ClickBank offers using Chatbot software.

Chatbot software will answer visitor’s questions and it will build engagement which might result in build your email list and affiliate sales.

About The Creators

There is no clear information about the product creator of Auto Chat Profits and the owner is hiding behind the product which is not a good sign.

Nowadays many scam product creators don’t reveal their identity to be on a safer side.

Samantha is not the real name behind this product and not the creator, she is just the spokesperson because at the bottom of their sales page I found the below information…

“The spokesperson used in the video is using a pen name.”

A Look Inside Auto Chat Profits

Below is the look inside of Auto Chat Profits members area and I believe this will give you some helpful information on what you will get from this product.


  • Welcome Video

Start Here

  • STEP 01 – ClickBank Setup
  • STEP 02 – Domain Setup
  • STEP 03 – Email Service Setup (GetResponse)
  • VIDEO – What To Do Next
    • How It Works
    • Traffic Videos

Your Upgrade

  • Faster Profits
  • Double Your Profits Site
  • Traffic Tsunami

Bonus Resources

    • How to Write Killer Promo Emails
    • Ultimate Done For You Autoresponder Email

Your Account

Contact Support

How Auto Chat Profits Works? 

As explained in the sales video…

  • STEP 01 – ClickBank Setup
  • STEP 02 – Domain Setup
  • STEP 03 – Email Service Setup (GetResponse)
  • STEP 04 – Solo Ads to drive traffic.

The robot will force your visitors on your website to engage with it.

With the help of this software by offering a freebie you can collect the name and email address of your visitors and could build your email list.

Also, the Chatbot recommends a suitable ClickBank product for the visitors after asking a few questions and help you in Affiliate marketing.

This might be simple but that’s not the reality.


Front-End Product – $37

  • Upsell 1: Faster Profits – $197
  • Upsell 2: Double Your Profits Site – $187
  • Upsell 3: Traffic Tsunami – $97

Personally, I believe when there are many upsells the front-end product is not a complete one.

Pro’s and Con’s

The Good:

→ 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

→ Affiliate Marketing works

→ Chatbot could help you in building your list

The Bad:

→ Upsells

→ Additional costs (Autoresponder, Solo ads)

→ Paid Traffic is not advisable for beginners

→ Unrealistic Claims and Too Much Hype

→ You are not in total control of your business

Is Auto Chat Profits A Scam?

Who’s Auto Chat Profits For? 

For the creator of this product, for the Affiliates who promote this product and for the people who are ready to buy a system that has too many red flags lol.

Is Auto Chat Profits A Scam?

They do provide you with the promised software, DFY website and some training with a 60-day money-back guarantee so it will be harsh to call Auto Chat Profits a scam.

However, below are some reasons why I am not recommending Auto Chat profits…

Upsells – The total costs of the upsells including the front-end product are $500+ and that’s not the end, I believe you need to pay for some additional costs such as Solo ads, Autoresponder, etc. which is going to cost you even more.

There are a lot of better options available where the total cost for a year with all the tools and complete training will cost you around $375.

Pressurizing and Pushy sales – See the below statements from their sales video…

  • You might never see this website again.
  • You need to make the decision now.
  • Why wait? Why even think about it?
  • Don’t wait a minute longer.

You are not in control of your business – You don’t own your website and you are not in control which is not a good sign.

No information about the product creator – Creator hides behind his/her product and not sharing his/her identity which is a big red flag.

Fine Print – Experts advise to always read the fine print of the sales pages.


What do you think of the above statement from the bottom of their sales page?

Paid ads are not advisable for newbies – If you are a newbie I will advise you to try the free traffic generating methods first and after earning some money via your online business then you can try paid traffic methods.

You might lose money with Paid traffic.

Chatbots answers are not always accurate – You might have come across when we ask questions these Chatbots often don’t answer correctly. it’s just a tool and programmed software.

Thanks for reading my review post!

If you are interested to learn about making money online from scratch I can help you.

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My Earnings

Often people ask me is it really possible to earn $100+ in a single day. The answer is YES! My Highest Per Day Earning is $175 In Affiliate Marketing. See the proofs below.

My Highest Per Day Earning $175 In Affiliate Marketing

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My Latest $170+ Per day Affiliate Income

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Back To Back Earnings

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Recurring Income

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Auto Chat Profits

$37 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells




  • 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Affiliate Marketing works
  • Chatbot could help you in building your list


  • Upsells
  • Additional costs (Autoresponder, Solo ads)
  • Paid Traffic is not advisable for beginners

12 thoughts on “Is Auto Chat Profits A Scam? – [Just 23 Minutes Of Work Per Day?]”

  1. Good Day, Paul.

    Thanks for reviewing this product. There are so many “magical products” claiming instant and easy success on the web these days that they’ve become a joke! 

    I’m quite impressed by the number of reviews that you’ve done. The phony ones are getting much easier to spot, nowadays. 

    I find that upsells, lack of ownership, and “pressured” sales, are the best indicators of these phonies, for me. Another thing that I find really annoying is the high pressured hype “talkers” that simply won’t shut up for 20 to 30 minutes at a time, warning you that this is your last chance at success, or that you’d better grab this NOW, before this offer goes away, forever.

    Can you imagine signing-up for studies at a university, before it may suddenly close or go away?


    • Nice question (Can you imagine signing-up for studies at a university, before it may suddenly close or go away?) and helpful insights.

      I totally agree with you, thanks for your comment.

  2. Thanks for your post. You are giving honest review on Auto Chat Profits. It is busy to work on a online business and I am looking for ways to automate some of my activities. Auto chat using my website is one of my idea. Without your comment, I would use the Auto Chat Profits program.

    I tried several program like this. The part I dislike is that there are upsells. They use low front-end low price to attract me into buying the program. After I start the program, I need to buy more stuff to make things working, which is never ending.

    As mentioned, I would like to use automatic program in my website to chat with my customers. Could you recommend one such program?

    It is kind of you sharing your wisdom with us.

    • Although there are some better options available, it will never replace the human touch. Nowadays, people are aware of these auto chats. It can’t answer everything and it will only act as programmed. It will ask a few questions or give those programmed answers.  

  3. Wow! I am amazed to learn of such amount you lost to scams if I wasn’t so cash started maybe I might have probably been a victim too.

    But these days, I amma lot wiser and try to check products out before engaging, hence my visit to your site.

    Thanks for making it clear what Autochat bots are all about, I am glad you have exposed their hidden agendas in your article, I would have really been devastated if I have invested that $37 only to find out I have to pay more and even more in order to succeed with this system.

    I am also glad you provided us with your own Guide, will surely take a look at it to see if it is a better option for me.

    Thanks for sharing.


    • I do appreciate you that you will check products out before engaging. That’s the best way to stay away from scams and products which under-delivers with low-quality.

  4. I personally think that the bad outweighs the good in this situation.  So it appears that it’s not a total scam, but one of the turn offs for me with MMO programs are the upsells.  It’s always upsell, upsell, upsell!  Come on, give it a rest guys and help me out, let me know what I’m doing first.  Maybe after working for a month or so, you can offer me one of those programs, if I made any money using them in the first place, which is probably unlikely.  

    This auto chat sounds like a good idea in theory, but I don’t know about having paid traffic, I would rather real people come to my websites to see the content on their own

    • I do hate upsells and in most cases; the creators make more money when you buy the upsells.

      More upsells make the front-end product with less value.

  5. Interesting review you have done up here concerning auto chat profits. Firstly, I hate products that have no real or identifiable founders or owners and this is such a big turn off with this. I believe if you have a product that you ate certain it works, one should flaunt it rather than hide. Also, the claims are just way too unrealistic for a work done of just 23minutes in a day not to talk of the upsells. Seriously, I don’t think I want to invest my money on this. Even though it isn’t a scam as presented here, I still cannot rake such risky adventure.

    • What’s the reason behind hiding the details, not even sharing the real name. This is a big red flag and we need to be careful about this.

      There is no such thing called quick success!

  6. Great post you have here, for me, there are two things I look out for in any platform to see if they’re scams and they are both visible in this site. First is no transparency: here we don’t know who the owners of the platform is. That means they’re not confident of the service they render. Second is upsells. Well in this case, it seems that their upsells actually work but if there’s any upsells, it should be stated before registration at all. But then it has some good pros too. My question is does this DIY platform actually work, I mean can I make real money in just 23 monutes

    • Indeed, those two points are very important and I do appreciate you for staying safe from products which under-delivers.

      Based on my experience, just 23 minutes of work will get you nowhere. In order to succeed online, it takes a lot of work and time.


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