Freebie Commissions Review – [The EASIEST Way To Bank Online Profit WITHOUT Selling A Thing?]

Welcome To My Freebie Commissions Review!

“Attention, Are You Looking For More Information On Freebie Commissions? You Are In The Right Place!”

The EASIEST Way To Bank Online Profit WITHOUT Selling A Thing! Sounds interesting right?

No selling, really?

Nowadays there are some products teaching this business model or concept i.e offering freebies and building email lists & making money.

Will this product help you to make money online and build your online career?

By the end of this review, you will be in a better position to make your purchase decision.

Freebie Commissions Review

If You Don’t Want To Waste Your Time On Scams And Products That Under-Delivers With Low-Quality, See My #1 Recommended Way Of Making Money Online

Freebie Commissions Review Summary

Product Name: Freebie Commissions

Creators: Glynn Kosky, Rod and Leigh

Launch Date: 31st October 2019

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing By Offering Freebies

Price: $24.97 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells

Summary: This is all about offering free products and making money when people purchase-related upsells.

Rating: 45/100

Is Freebie Commissions Legit Or Scam? Legit

Is Freebie Commissions Recommended? No

Are You Serious About Making Money Online?

Turn Your Interest Into Income And Passion Into Profits!

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

Below you can find some frequently asked questions for your quick reference…

What Is Freebie Commissions All About?

  • This is all about offering free products and making money when people purchase-related upsells.

How Much Freebie Commissions Cost?

  • $24.97 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells.

Is There Upsells?

  • Yes, there are 6 upsells

Is Freebie Commissions A Scam?

  • No

Is It Possible To Make Money Online Using Freebie Commissions?

  • Yes, if you have a big email list or big social media following.

Is There A Money-Back Guarantee With Freebie Commissions?

  • Yes, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Are You Recommending Freebie Commissions?

  • No

What’s Your Top Recommendation To Make Money Online?

  • You can read my top recommendation below.

If You Are Tired Of Scams & Products That Under-Delivers. My Free Guide Will Be A Greater Help. I Know This Because The Same Process Helped Me To Become My Own Boss.

One Important Thing I Noticed On Some Review Posts

Doing your research is the best way to find legit and genuine programs and stay away from scams.

Nowadays, people are doing their own research before buying any make money online programs, as you are doing now. That’s the best way to stay away from scams and products that under-delivers with low-quality.

Unfortunately, realizing people base their purchase decision after reading reviews, some people are writing positive and biased reviews of all the products they promote so you need to be careful. Not all the reviews are genuine.

I’d like to inform you that I am in no way associated with Freebie Commissions in any form and I am not trying to sell Freebie Commissions to you.


Freebie Commissions Sales Page Claims

You can find the claims made on the Freebie Commissions sales video below…

  • Cash in JUST by giving away free stuff – NO selling required!
  • Freebie Commissions is YOUR ticket to making boatloads of easy commission.
  • Instant Traffic & Sales System.
  • Grab floods of targeted, 100% FREE traffic with the click of your mouse!

Let’s see if Freebie Commissions lives up to these claims.

Before we dive into our review I would like to introduce you to my FREE GUIDEA Beginners Guide To Making Money Online – Be Your Own Boss!“. Anyone can build an online business from home by using my FREE make money online Guide, because it shows you how to turn your Passion into Profits.

What Is Freebie Commissions

Based on the creator’s words…

  • It’s a unique twist on a system used by leading retailers for years: giveaway something for free, then profit as customers ‘upgrade themselves’ by purchasing related offers.
  • Generate UNLIMITED Sales & Commissions By Giving Away Freebie’s Created By Glynn & His Team! Unique Never-Before-Seen 100% DONE-FOR-YOU System & Cloud Based App!

In a nutshell, Freebie Commissions teaches you to offer freebies to attract customers to build your list and make money when they buy the upsells. They provide you with the freebies, Top-converting sales pages, Multiple upsell products, Softwares, etc.

Social buttons that automatically share your offers across social media such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Pinterest.

About The Creators

Glynn Kosky is a full-time Internet marketer and product creator. Glynn Kosky Lives in London, United Kingdom. He launched many make money online products, and he does conduct coaching events.

Other Products Of Glynn Kosky

To name a few products of Glynn Kosky

$500 CPA Every Day, Six Figure Influx, Commission Blueprint, Commission Magnet, $200 Cash Hack, Overnight Commissions, Pure Profit Payday, 100 CPA Daily, The Commission Glitch, $300 CPA Every Day, $2K CPA Traffic Jacker, Instant Traffic Jacker, Commission Profit Hack, Commission Toolbox, Million Dollar Toolbox, 250 Cash Magnet, 2016 Profit Blueprint, CPA Coffee Shop Method, etc., And the list goes on… Oops, a lot of products!

I have reviewed a few of Glynn Kosky products…

A Look Inside Freebie Commissions

Below are the details of the training you will receive inside the Freebie Commissions member’s area…

  • Overview (essential)
  • How To Set Up Your Done For You Campaigns
  • How To Create Your Own Opt-in Campaigns
  • How To Create Your Social Images
  • The Bonus Builder
  • Traffic Strategies (3 Videos)

I hope the above information gives you an idea of what you will get inside Freebie Commissions.

How Freebie Commissions Works? 

On their sales page, they claim all you need to do is the below 3 steps…

  • Step 1 – Select Free Offer
  • Step 2 – Add Affiliate Link
  • Step 3 – Get Viral Traffic & Sales

However, the reality is different and it’s not as easy as they claim (more on this later).

You are going to promote the free products offered by Glynn and you can share the freebie via social media platforms. When people purchase the related upsell you will make money. This is how Freebie Commissions works.

In case if you missed the demo video you can find it below…


Front-End Product – FreebieCommissions PRO – $24.97

  • Upsell 1 – FreebieCommissions UNLIMITED – $97.00
    • Downsell 1 – FreebieCommissions UNLIMITED (Discount) – $47.00
  • Upsell 2 – FreebieCommissions DONE-FOR-YOU – $67.00
    • Downsell 2 – FreebieCommissions DONE-FOR-YOU (Discount) – $47.00
  • Upsell 3 – FreebieCommissions TRAFFIC – $97.00
    • Downsell 3 – FreebieCommissions TRAFFIC (Discount) – $67.00
  • Upsell 4 – FreebieCommissions 100X TOOLS – $67.00
    • Downsell 4 – FreebieCommissions 100X TOOLS (Discount) -$47.00
  • Upsell 5 – FreebieCommissions BONUS BUILDER – $67.00
    • Downsell 5 – FreebieCommissions BONUS BUILDER (Discount) – $47.00
  • Upsell 6 – FreebieCommissions LICENSE RIGHTS – $197.00
    • Downsell 6 – FreebieCommissions LICENSE RIGHTS (Discount) – $97.00

Pro’s and Con’s

The Good:

→ 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

→ Real Owners

→ Interesting Concept

The Bad:

→ Upsells

→ Too Much Hype And Unrealistic Claims

→ Need To Have A Big Social Following

→ Free Traffic From Social Media Conversion Rate Is Low

→  Your Are Not In Control Of Your Business

Is Freebie Commissions A Scam?

No, Freebie Commissions is not a scam. They do provide you some training in building your social media agency. They also provide you with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

However, I don’t recommend Freebie Commissions for the below reasons…

Reason 1 –  Upsells

Oops! 6 upsells. I personally believe when there are too many upsells it’s not possible to get the full value of the product by just buying the front-end product. Without the upsells it is really hard to say that the front-end product is complete.

Total Upsells Value – $592

Total Downsells Value – $352

Also, there are additional charges to be spent on Autoresponder. However, its an important tool but I just saying this so that you get a clear picture of the total cost you need to invest with this product.

Reason 2 – You Are Not In Control Of Your Business

  • INCLUDED hosting – no website needed, zero ongoing maintenance costs => this is a 100% PURE PROFIT method.

The above claim might sound interesting but using their pages means you are not in control of your business.

It is always advisable to have your own website and it will help you in the longer run.

Reason 3 – Too Much Hype And Realistic Claims

  • Freebie Commissions is the fastest & EASIEST way to make game-changing DAILY profits online … there’s NO selling involved!
  • Bank lazy commissions while building your list at the same time.

One of my mentors advised staying away from products that claim easy, fast and immediate money.

If you are going to purchase Freebie Commissions based on their claims it might disappoint you.

Reason 4 – Free Social Media Traffic

The conversion rate of free social media traffic is very low. How many friends you have on social media platforms and how many will buy or purchase a product you promote even if it’s free. Think about it.

Reason 5 – Done For You Methods


There is no such thing called “Everything done for you”. With the DFY products, you learn nothing and you won’t develop any skills.

These are some reasons why I am not recommending this product.

Thanks for reading my review post!

If you are interested to learn about making money online from scratch I can help you.

“The Great End Of Life Is Not Knowledge But Action” – Thomas Henry Huxley

Action is what unites every great success and action is what produces results. Take Action!

My Earnings

Often people ask me is it really possible to earn $100+ in a single day. The answer is YES! My Highest Per Day Earning is $175 In Affiliate Marketing. See the proofs below.

My Highest Per Day Earning $175 In Affiliate Marketing

Looking for the latest one?

My Latest $170+ Per day Affiliate Income

Back To Back Earnings Within A Few Hours…

Back To Back Earnings

Within a few hours another payout…

What about recurring income every month?

Recurring Income

How I Make Money Online? 

Success Is A Learnable Skill. You Can Learn To Succeed At Anything.” — T. Harv Eker

“Affiliate Marketing Has Made Businesses Millions & Ordinary People Millionaires.” – Bo Bennett

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Freebie Commissions

$24.97 (At the time of writing this review) + Upsells.




  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Real Owner
  • Interesting Concept


  • Upsells
  • Too Much Hype And Realistic Claims
  • Need To Have A Big Social Following

12 thoughts on “Freebie Commissions Review – [The EASIEST Way To Bank Online Profit WITHOUT Selling A Thing?]”

  1. I always tell people that it is always better to check out for online reviews before deciding at all to signup for any platform. That is the story of a friend who found this platform and was thinking of putting his money right in. Thankfully, I was there to give him a quick warning before he even did anything and so I am here reading your review. Seems I was right to check out reviews. Thank you for this honest one. Seems he could have been paying for more than he thought

    • It is always advisable to check genuine and unbiased reviews before making your purchase decision. I appreciate you for your habit of checking reviews before making any purchase decision.

  2. Hello Paul, thanks for sharing this nice review. The idea of this platform is completely nice because it doesn’t require you to get into any form of trade to be able to make money back. However there are some factors i am not really down with which includes upsell and uncertainty of income. I am the kind of person that wants to be sure my work is paying, but the money-making aspect of this business lies in the hands of people you don’t know when they purchase the upsell. Best regards.

    • Yes, that the challenge. The traffic generated is not a potential and targeted traffic since people just referring friends to get the gift. I am not saying it is not possible to generate traffic or sales but the conversion is not going to be great.

  3. Thank you for another awesome review!  I have heard good things about affiliate marketing, and I personally do it.  I have only recently heard of Freebie Commissions. I don’t like the whole upsell thing, though, those can be so annoying.  I’m glad you said it was not a scam, but it was also not recommended. That shows me you are being honest!

  4. I am always skeptical of these online making money schemes, but this one doesn’t seem like a complete scam to me. I already have a website, seems like I could incorporate this into my site already right? At least with the 30 day money back guarantee I am tempted to try it out, on its own it probably isn’t a good idea but combined with my other things it could work out. Thank you for the honest review, I look forward to trying it out! 

  5. It is the first time that I am hearing about this platform but it is obvious that it is not the perfect platform that I should follow looking at the fact that making money through it might not be very assured and also the upsells are quite in there too. I think it will be better to keep away from this one and check out your recommendation. Thank you for this review on freebie commison.

  6. This is a nice idea and very dime to making money online. I have been involved with quite a number of business and this appears to be one of the easiest I have seen. Freebies commission has a nice concept and i am glad its not a scam site. Although i am not a fan of upsell.


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